RFK JR on Ozempic and the Subsidy System financially benefitting from sick children

5 months ago

Robert Kennedy Junior says that if we took the 3 trillion dollars that Ozempic is attempting to implement into America for their own greed and instead invested in organic meals for every man woman and child we could fix diabetes in this country but instead we are systematically poisoning the poor in this country and poisoning our kids through the subsidy system. The most profitable thing in our country is a sick child. 🧵

"The ultra-processed food which we are pumping into our kids...It's the food that goes to the food stamp program. It's the food that goes to the school lunch program. We are systematically poisoning the poor in this country and poisoning our kids...There's a huge subsidy system that is driving it so that everybody is making money.
The most profitable thing in our country today is a sick child....if you have a kid with chronic disease with diabetes is a lifetime customer...Right now seventy four percent of Americans are obese. There's a bill before Congress that is being paid for by the company It is by lobbying by the company that makes Ozempic...And they've got Republicans and Democrats now signed under this bill that would make Ozempic available for, for every American who's obese. The cost of that alone will be three trillion dollars a year.
So and that company in Denmark with that company is from Ozempic is not recommended as the as the primary intervention that they recommend diet and exercise for diabetes but in Europe nobody's gonna take it but the entire wealth of that company is based on their ability to pass this bill... If we took that three trillion dollars, a third of that, we could buy organic food, three meals a day for every man woman and child in our country and there would be no diabetes. You're you're solving the symptoms rather than dealing with the problem. And we're subsidizing the flu that we're poisoning kids with. That's where all the GMO corn receives ninety percent of subsidies at GMO. And it's destroying our soil...It's wiping out everything that's good about our country and commoditizing everything we."

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