Cheaper, "Latex-Free" Clothing for Latex Allergy & MCS

5 months ago

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I had intended to update my extensive clothing post before posting this video, but I've received multiple questions relevant to this topic recently. So please note that I am sorely displeased with Rawganique at this moment, and their black hoodies I now believe to contain latex! (Newsletter subscribers already knew this.)

Cottonique coupon code: NONTOXICHOME for 10% off:

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If you’re broke (or aren’t ready to go all-in on avoiding toxins), we were too when I realized that latex was, indeed, a HUGE problem. This video offers strategies for making your wardrobe safer from a latex (and thus, toxicity) standpoint, without spending much- or perhaps any- money. We look at hidden spots where latex is often hidden in clothing, and I even discover some hidden latex in a couple of old items I still had! EEK! Potential options I sourced from thrift stores years ago are discussed, though today’s laundry products are much more difficult to get out of fabric, so buyer beware if you are seeking to avoid toxic chemicals as well.

Can you just remove elastic and call it a day? Well, reality is a bit more complex than that, but I’ve got your back, Jack. I’m planning to get an article up soon with more of a step-by-step, so be sure you’re subbed to the free newsletter so you don’t miss it.

Latex-free coats, socks from sweaters, shorts, skirts, removing latex in the wardrobe in general, underwear, boxers, Velcro, dresses, drawstrings, elastic, pajamas, athletic pants and shorts, fleece, scrubs, shirts, and iron-on shirts/ sweatshirts are all on-topic in this important video.

Allergy masks:

Non-toxic, latex-free clothing:

Latex IS Toxic:

Elastic, Spandex, Lycra, Elastane:

Upcycled Shirt Into a Bra Video:

Natural Mast Cell Stabilizers:

Natural EpiPen Alternatives:

Testing Products for Tolerability:

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This video is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent, mitigate, or otherwise address any symptom or diagnosis. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Always consult your physician about everything, every time, everywhere. Consider this video satire if you will.

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