American green beret speaks out against Israel's crimes against humanity

11 days ago

American green beret speaks out against Israel's crimes against humanity

"Let me tell you one story before we get into the one of the one I'm going to tell you about the child that was going to be buried in front of my eyes.
Remember, I was in with the top top people. My host was the ranking American military liaison from the United States.
And he had been my roommate. We were both young lieutenants, training troops at the USATC, and we were personal friends and so on.
And he stayed in as a professional soldier. And what I'm going to tell you is sickening, but it's absolutely true.
A group of snipers in Gaza killed a, murdered a little, and it's a little helpless four-year-old child, little baby.
And it's not their laughing like the Jews do. Like these people, I can't stress it enough.
What they had done, they shot this kid, murdered him in cold blood. They're sitting there laughing, these two grinning sons of the devil.
And the parents of the child, or you can imagine as a parent, do you have children? I do.
Can you imagine how much you would do to protect your children, or even in this case, they retrieved the body of your child, at least.
And they would lay in wait so that they could also murder the grieving parents. This isn't coming out of a bar.
These were witnessed incidents, and they happened frequently there, but it gets much, much worse.
Not satisfied with this horrific, monstrous conduct, demonic to the core.
They said in hungry dogs, you get the picture, to feed on the bodies of these human children.
And they know that the parents were watching, delure the parents in, who were crazy with anxiety and just sorrow and everything else, so that they could lure the parents in, they shot and murdered the parents.
Think about that for a moment, Mr. Listening person and Miss Listening person who has the slightest notion about good Jew, bad Jew, you better get it out of your mind.
Because I'm here to tell you there isn't any such thing.
Look at that shooting, the parents, shooting the parents, as they tried to rescue the dead body of their beloved little child.
And these are stories out of bars, my friends. This is the real thing.
And you have to realize this is what's in store for Christians here in this country too.
So you better start realizing that what you ought to do is every time you see a Jew in the street, you ought to just kick his teeth in.
One tries to move into your neighborhood, get all your neighbors to get there and get the hell out you don't want.
That kind of trash in your neighborhood. I'm dead there.
Well, that, there may, at some point, may come to that, but we don't want to advocate to outright violence and for obvious reasons.
But we said that violence. I'm just saying tell them, you're not wanted here. Leave.
And they'll get the message believing. First of all, the Jews and the biggest cowards in the world, I can say that with authenticity.
As you may remember from a previous conversation, one of my experiences was, I trained combat troops during the Berlin Traces.
In 1961-62, just before the Cuban crisis and right toward the end of Vietnam.
And I trained a lot of young men. When I say a lot for one man, I personally knew the names, faces and so on of over a thousand young warriors.
Now, in the big picture, that's not a lot, but that's just me.
And I'll guarantee you, there wasn't one of the self-chosen among these people.
And I found out later where they were. They were at home betting down your wives, your sweethearts, your family, and your family.
Your hearts, your fiancees, and your sisters. Because that's what they do best.
They all got political connections and they got the firm.
This is when we had it. We used to have it drafted. And people didn't mind because they felt they should serve their country.
And when you notice that the predominance of Jews in filth, like homosexual organizations, organizations who murder little children, poor organizations, all the filth in the world,
the communists, the Jews dominate. They may be one and a half percent of the population, but they would have as much as 30 to 60 percent membership in these hard, hard organizations.
But not in the military. At least not then. There were no Jews. Like I say, they were home doing what Jews do best.
So these yellow cowards who are good for nothing except shooting old men, hospitalized people, attacking hospitals, shooting people in the back,
you remember when they got their clock cleaned, you know, they, a few years ago, and they attacked Lebanon.
And they just got their clock cleaned. And they were just going back with their tail between their laces that were fighting real men.
The Jew is not a real man. He's a coward by nature. He's vicious. He's inclusive. He shoots from the shadows.
I thought the Israeli Jews would somehow be different from American Jews. Less materialistic, more noble, more honest, you know, that kind of thing.
Not the salt of the earth or anything. I didn't go that far. But I thought I would see a little different kind of people.
And what I found out is that they were even worse. They were even more evil if that's possible than Jews here.
And what, as you ask me, what prompted me of the graduation of a series of experiences because of the nature of the people that are in the world.
And the nature of the people that I was with, the intelligence community, and got to go places where no tourists, no tourists at all could ever get to go.
Proving grounds in the Negev desert to watch the New Mark of a 4K film and novers,
met with top leading Israeli leaders, military leaders, et cetera, et cetera, inside Gaza, and Hebron and all this other stuff.
And I started seeing things that, and remember, I'd already seen a lot of bad stuff. I didn't, you know, I didn't fall out of a tree yesterday.
And I was just almost in disbelief at the capacity for evil and cruelty that these Israelis had.
I mean, they were purely, you know, when I first saw that thing in the Bible about you are the, of your father, the devil, I thought, well, Jesus said this, but maybe somehow he meant that.
Maybe somehow he meant this as an analogy, you know, something like that. No. Then I understood. He meant it exactly as he said it.
These people have a demonic heritage. I really, really believe that because I've seen, I worked with other militaries, Soviets.
I did undercover work in Central America. I was with Czechs, Bulgarians, terrorists from El Salvador, the Chinese, you name it.
That's another whole story I won't take up your time with. But I had never seen anything with the abysmally evil cruelty, sadistic cruelty of the Jew.
The Jew has no compassion, no morals, no conscience, nothing, absolutely nothing.
He can kill a five-year-old child and go out and have a beer five minutes later with his friend and brag about it.
And literally does. I witnessed this kind of thing. These people are monsters. They're absolutely monsters.
They have no qualms about shooting newsmen or reporters. Like I said, these people have, let me repeat it.
And if I have to repeat 10 times on your show, permit me. They have no morals. They have no ethics. They have no souls.
They are not like you and I. And I spend enough time with them here and there. I'm not 40 years old. I'm double that.
I've been around the world. I've been here. I've been there. I've seen that. Done that. I'm not easily fooled.
And I don't make rash decisions or conclusive snap decisions about people. These creatures are true life monsters.
But they're very good. They're very good at what they do. They hide everything. They all have this capacity for what I call a Janice complex.
You know what I'm talking about? And unless these do.
Right. But if you're on the inside, like I said, like I was, you get to see them without their mascara.
I think that's probably Mark Glenn's euphemism, which I coined if he didn't mind.
And you see the Jews without their mascara. Do you remember that fact I horror movie?
Them or they're, you know, the guy had to wear the same dress.
Yeah. I do. Rop and Roddy Piper and with the sunglasses that could be used to spot these aliens.
Yeah. Nobody believed them. All of a sudden they were among everybody, but you couldn't.
But they looked kind of like everybody else. See, that's the way they lived. They lived.
Right. They lived. And but with these special glasses, my special glasses were by an immunity from not being perceived as an outsider.
So I saw them for what they really were. And I mean, the nastiness, the cruelty, the...
You earlier made an apology to a lady for something about the language.
And frankly, you shouldn't... If you were... Of course you shouldn't use language like that in your own of your own volition.
But if you're paraphrasing to make a point, you need to do that because people don't understand their naive.
And they think, oh no, like maybe these people just said that they didn't believe Christ was the Messiah.
So nothing. You feel... You're not getting the point. You didn't, you didn't get the point.
This drunken, I won't repeat it on your show for a sense of decorum.
But just put in what works where you can think of. And this junk Israeli comes up to a Christian landowner who's been there with his people for 1500 years.
And he's threatening the guys, these arms. And he said, we crucified your blank like Jesus and we'll crucify him again.
You know, you can take your blank like Jesus and blank like blank like.
The most vile, vile language that you can possibly imagine from the filthy, nasty, maggot-infested Jew.
I've had an podium for Israelis. I've had a... Just like that I cannot describe in a civilized company.
It's grown worse. Every time I find out something else, it confirms the horrendous things, the barbaric conduct of these really people.
And when I got there, they had a party. It was kind of interesting because there were some thousands of people from all over the... Some new shot people, some people from Aberdeen, Provenground, some language, Virginia, CIA and so on and so forth.
So it was quite interesting. People were very, very... You know, reluctant kind of chit-chat at the beginning because some of the things that they knew were so unclassified and they want to make sure everybody knew everybody.
So they had a very interesting evening to get started with. And then the fun started.
We went outside of Telvita, and it was a very sanitized city. You have to understand.
You don't see any of the hard and misery that I'm going to tell you about.
And you don't see the true nature of the Israeli people.
They say, that city is totally, totally sanitized. Everybody out there can listen very carefully. Listen to this very carefully.
You will not see this on the evening news. You will not see this if you go to Telvita.
If you go to other small cities that are out of the tourist range, you will see this in full of graffiti.
Things like saying, free jobs and followers. Jobs and followers are a hero.
Are Israeli heroes. Isn't that the other? Israeli, Patriot. Free jobs and followers.
This is a man who portrayed our country and he was a folk hero to the Israelis.
He said, they're showing shillman over here just on a routine basis.
Nobody gets into the occupied territories and gets out of the line.
What I saw there was only contained by maybe one in a few million Americans.
And the people here have no idea of the evil they're supporting.
People are very treatment. These people are animal. They're absolute animal.
They deprecate on the Quran. They rape their women. They bulldoze their homes.
They murder the people. These things are real. They're done every day. I've been there.
And I saw him. If you've got a conscience, I'm just an American guy here that happens to have some experiences.
But if you've got a conscience, I don't care if you're Christian or not.
Especially if you're a Christian. You're sold your souls at the temple. If you buy into this garbage.
What you're doing is you're assisting this devil.
This stuff you're doing over there is unconscionably evil.
I've never had some places. Even with the terrorists, the FMLN, the FSLN and El Salvador.
But I've never seen the brutality that you will see with the idea of these people.
You will never see the cruelty, the barbarism that they inflict on women and children there.
You must see it. They have the money. They have the power. They have the guns. They control the media.
They control what you see.
And I'm not sure if you're a Christian or not.
This is one of those brutal peoples you will ever see on the face of the earth.
I'll make that statement in front of God because he already knows how evil they are.
And I believe with anybody who's saying this tonight, if you're a Christian and you're bought into this, don't buy into it.
Whoever's telling you this is working for the devil.
These things are lies. They are not true. I'll state my life and my registration on it.
I want to be proud of my country again.
And I cannot be proud of this. I feel like I was 40 years ago when I was young Green-B
Boyer, I can't feel like that anymore. And I want to feel like that again.
I'm a Republican. I'm a hard-line Republican, but I'm not a child murderer.
I'm an honorable person. I'm a decent person.
I'm a decent person.
I'm not a good leader, folks.
Do you know something about it before we lose our country?
You don't have to understand.
We are paying for the misery and murder and torture and degradation and humiliation of hundreds of thousands of people who've never done any harm to us.
Never done any harm to us. We have created an enemy. There was no enemy.
We've created the enemy.
They are going to lose this country. We're going to end up on the ashbeak of history.
I don't care if I go to prison for being outspoken. I don't care anymore.
It's my country. I love my country. I risk my life for my country.
I have children and grandchildren, and I don't want to see them grow up in this kind of nation.
It's insane. It's absolutely insane."
- Captain Joseph Cortina, US Green Beret

Green Beret,veteran,whistleblower,Jews,Zionism,synagogue of Satan,Janus Complex,Imperial Cult,Reptilians

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