Bret Weinstein revising (all vaccines) injections to put them on the mRNA platform

5 months ago

Extremely worrisome...
Bret Weinstein: "They're not done with you. They are currently revising these (all vaccines) injections to put them on the mRNA platform. If what I'm saying is true, then that is going to result in large numbers of people dying from heart pathologies that are going to be covered up because they can be.
So if they're not done with you, then it is a matter of urgency that you look into this, not for social reasons, but for physiological reasons. You do not want to be damaged in this way. And you need to be able to say no. And the fact that they are not only gearing up to have these injections and to strong arm you into taking them, but they are gearing up to shut down discussion of the hazards.
They are gearing up to tie your compliance to your finances. They're setting up a dystopian landscape where you're going to have no choice but to accept something that puts you at risk of heart damage, you, your children, your grandchildren. So the instinct not to look at it is, let me give you some advice, future you would like you to pay attention now because it only gets worse."

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