WTL Clips: Broward Referendum #2 - Giving the OIG jurisdiction over the School Board

5 months ago

Part of our Amendment-Palooza episode, the ladies dig into Broward County Referendum #2, on the November 2024 ballot, and discuss what the text says, doesn't say, and what its enactment could mean for the School Board of Broward County.

Full Text: https://www.broward.org/Charter/Documents/Resolution2024-294-English.pdf

Ballot Summary (YES/NO):

Amends the Broward County Charter to allow the Broward County Inspector General to provide inspector general services to The School Board of Broward County and the constitutional officers of Broward County if the applicable entity (The School Board or the constitutional officer) contracts with the Broward County Office of Inspector General and with Broward County regarding such inspector general services.

A YES vote would grant the Broward County Inspector General jurisdiction over the School Board and constitutional officers, if said entities contract with the OIG for such services, a NO vote would keep the School Board under its own investigative jurisdiction.

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