Kid Gives Thanksgiving Thanks For A Gift He Hopes He’ll Get In Five Years

6 years ago

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time. It really allows us to open up to friends and family and let them know what we’re thankful and grateful for. Especially parents – we each have a lot to be thankful for when it comes to the work that parents put in. The list is endless; we could thank them for their love, their support, and their hard work keeping us clothed and fed. Well, Thanksgiving at this Church is no different. Kids have lined up to tell the congregation just what they have to be so thankful for. The first little girl tells everyone how grateful she is to her grandma for helping her make Christmas cookies. They must be delicious if that’s what the little girl’s thinking of. Next up is a little boy who, with his hands thrust firmly into his pockets the entire time, tells everyone just how thankful he is for his parents. Specifically, his parents buying him a golf cart five years from now. It gets a massive laugh!

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