Marko Rodin The Secret Of 3 9 6 - A Fountain Of Numbers 25Th February 2019(audio fix)

16 days ago

Marko Rodin The Secret Of 3 9 6 - A Fountain Of Numbers 25Th February 2019

Marko Rodin identified the longest free-flowing path of the electron & path of least resistance. He creates toroidal pinch, using Vortex-Based Mathematics, and can create radical new THERMAL NUCLEAR FUSION REACTOR designs that eliminate all the peripheral equipment currently used, such as cryogenics and massive correcting magnets.

Some Rodin Coil applications:

Toroidal Pinch & Mirror Symmetry coils fusion research.
Brushless & without commutator motors.
AI computer processor, memory, and fractal data storage systems.
Reactionless Drive engine space power propulsion system.
Power generation from plasma coils.
Extremely High Sensitivity Antennas
Microbiology Bioaetheric Morphogenitic Field DNA Intelligent Design
Rodin published, "The Quantum Mechanic State of DNA Sequencing", in the proceedings of the International Bio-Technology Expo (IBEX), which is the largest genetic engineering conference in the world and is heavily attended by the Japanese. He was also invited to present his paper, "Low Cost Propulsion Systems Based Upon the Re-evaluation of the Physics of Matter", at the Air Space America convention, the largest U.S. convention of its type. The Rodin Coil Antenna won a U.S. military design contest as the most powerful antenna with the greatest pickup over the longest distance and was awarded a government contract for incorporation into the nation's first alert warning system.
The Rodin Number Map and Rodin Coil
The Natural Philosophy Alliance (NPA) sponsors regular international conferences for presenting high-quality papers discussing aspects of philosophy in the sciences. Many papers offer challenges to accepted orthodoxy in the sciences, especially in physics. Everything from the micro-physics of quantum mechanics to the macro-physics of cosmology is entertained. Though the main interest of the NPA is in challenging orthodoxy in the sciences, it will also feature papers defending such orthodoxy. Our ultimate purpose is to enable participants to articulate their own understanding of the truth. All papers are reviewed by society officers, and sometimes by other members, before presentation in conferences, and they are edited, sometimes very significantly, prior to publication in the Proceedings of the NPA. NPA is, in turn, the only component of the non-profit corporation: The Natural Philosophy Foundation, Inc., (NPF). The NPF was incorporated in the State of Maryland on July 17, 1995 with the intent to become a long-term science fostering charity organization
Vortex Based Mathematics... Basis for the Extra-Ordinary Rodin Coil
Marko Rodin has discovered the source of the non-decaying spin of the electron. Although scientists know that all electrons in the universe spin they have never discovered the source of the spin.

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