Did Psycho Joe Scarborough kill his 28-year old intern back when he was a Florida Congressman in 2001?

5 months ago

MSNBC host of "Morning Joe" JOE SCARBOROUGH who was a U.S. Republican Congressman from Florida 1995-2001. Only 6 months after getting RE-ELECTED Joe announced he was going to resign with rumor's of infidelity swirling and on July 21st 2001 Joe's 28-year old intern Lori Klausutis was found DEAD in his Florida office. Klausutis’ head injury was determined to be responsible for her death.

It was 2 people who had an 8AM appointment who discovered Lori's dead body with no Joe Scarborough around.

Joe resigned as Congressman a few months later and returned to his law practice for a little over a year until getting his spot as a cohost on MSNBC called "MORNING JOE".

I have to wonder if there was a deal to COVER IT UP where Joe gets blackmailed to go from being a conservative Congressman to working for fake news MSNBC? Why no real investigation into this young woman's death who was found DEAD in his office. The Clintons kill people all the time and get COVER UPS so it is standard practice with these people.

Autopsy report on aide released

Autopsy in Joe Scarborough Country Leaves Out Key Detail About the Mysterious Death of Lori Klausutis

The Curious Case Of The Death Of Joe Scarborough’s Intern Lori Klausutis- July 26, 2019

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