Hardwired to Hear God’s Voice ~ Part 2

5 months ago

Hardwired to Hear God’s Voice ~ Part 2

By Pastor Gary Wayne

Last week Joh.10: 27 “My sheep hear My voice.”
I believe when God created people, every person believer or not, is hardwired to hear God’s voce.
When I become a Christian, I’m awakened to that voice - so His voice is MUCH easier to identify and recognize.
Hearing God’s voice is not for just a special few, but for everyone.

The #1 problem I see we have, is we quickly conclude that the voice we are hearing is just me, consequently I end up ignoring His voice.
I believe we need to “EXERCISE” listening.
And the more I exercise and practice, I develop my sensitivity to distinguish His voice from other voices.

Text: Deuteronomy 8:1-3, Hebrews 5:14

I began studying for this message, working on giving a list of “exercises” we can do to “exercise our senses.”
And I came across some good ways to “train,” “work out,” “exercise” our senses to hear better. For instance:
When you set down with scripture, ask God to speak. Ask Him questions?
When you begin your personal prayer time, ask God to speak.
God what do You want to talk about? What is on your heart?
Have quite time, meditating on Him. Spend time “listening.”
Shut out distractions – silence your phone, shut the TV off, etc.

But for Gary, this message came alive when I was studying Heb. 5, and Deut.8, putting them together.

Deu.8:1-3 Ver.1 is a heart thing, not a list of duty.
Ps 119:97 “Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day.”
119:11 “Your word I have hidden in my heart, That I might not sin against You!”

Ver.2 I present to you that God already knew what was in their heart.
So who need to know what was there? They Did.
Look at a bigger picture. God promised to deliver them. To bring them into blessing. Then God demonstrated AMAZING power and deliverance.
Then what? He allowed them to hunger – go through lack, to see if their heart actually believed what God has promised.

Place us in this scenario – God promises – demonstrates power to deliver, than allows us to go through lack to know what?

How do we preform in a time of lack? In a time where nothing makes sense?
When it feels like I can’t hear Him speak. In a time where I’m not in control?

That pressure shows me what? What is in my heart.

I believe He allows me to go through lack – to see what is in my heart – a time to adjust my reality to His.
He lets me go through lack in order to trust me with abundance. (Another Message.)

When I’m serious about becoming more sensitive to hearing God’s voice, that desire – that want to – will match up with my actions of pursuing God.
Mt 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”
This has to be a priority. God LOVES it when I seek Him.

Becoming more sensitive to hear Him is created by my true desire to hear.
It’s not necessarily a skill set, it’s hunger.
My hunger causes me to do what I need to do to hear better.
It’s not God pouring out on His selected ones. It is His selected ones listening better – more intently, a deep heart desire to hear.

How does a baby learn to get their needs / wants met? Crying / Screaming.

Fast forward to an adult wanting their needs / wants met, what do some tend to do? The same, just more sophisticated, or complex.

I have watched myself, going into God’s presence hoping for Him to do what I think I NEED Him to do.
I find myself reverting from asking in faith, to asking in whine.

Saying the words “I’m desperate for You” isn’t actually being desperate.
I find Gary trying to put desperation in my voice and words to influence God.
But God knows my heart.
If I’m desperate to hear His voice, what affect does that actually have on me?


I want to close our time with each one of us individually asking God, “What are you speaking to my heart / life this morning?

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