Quadrilateral Security Dialogue Issues Wilmington Declaration, Alludes to China

5 months ago

09/22/2024 The Indian Express reported that the Wilmington Declaration, issued after a meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the US, Japan, India and Australia, was a veiled reference to China. The declaration states that the Quad is more strategically aligned than ever before and that “as four leading maritime democracies in the Indo-Pacific, we unequivocally stand for the maintenance of peace and stability across this dynamic region”.
#QuadSummit #IndoPacific #WilmingtonDeclaration #China #CCP
09/22/2024 《印度快报》报道,美日印澳四方安全对话会后发表的《威尔明顿宣言》暗指中共国。宣言指出,四国集团的战略一致性达到前所未有的高度,“作为印太地区四个主要海洋民主国家,我们明确支持维护这一充满活力地区的和平与稳定”。
#四方安全对话 #印太地区 #威尔明顿宣言 #中国 #中共

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