Biden Warns Quad Leaders: China Is Testing Us

5 months ago

09/22/2024 U.S. President Joe Biden was caught on a hot mic at the Quad summit, warning the leaders of the U.S., Japan, India and Australia: "China continues to behave aggressively, testing us all across the region."
#JoeBiden #China #QuadSummit #SouthChinaSea #TaiwanStrait
09/22/2024 美国总统乔·拜登在四国集团峰会上谈及中共的内容流出。他警告美日印澳领导人:“中共继续表现出咄咄逼人的态度,在整个亚太地区不断考验我们。”
#乔·拜登 #中国 #四方安全对话 #南中国海 #台湾海峡

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