Hilarious Dog Hates Fireworks

6 years ago

Dogs are such funny creatures. And to be honest, they are just like humans in so many ways. For example, dogs can get absolutely terrified by the weirdest things! Fireworks, for example! There's something about fireworks that makes dogs shiver. And the pooch from this video is not an exception! You just have to check out his hilarious reaction. As the clip begins, you can see a dog carefully observing an exploding fireworks can. And not only is he observing it, he’s actually plotting against it! LOL! This dog really doesn’t like fireworks, that’s an obvious one! Just wait until you see the unfolding of his plan. He runs to the can, picks it up and runs away with it. Then he drops it and the exploding fireworks can tops over aiming toward the man behind the camera. LOL! And that why dogs and fireworks don’t mix! Too funny for words if you ask me!

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