Premium Only Content

2:16 Ascension
20:30 2012
33:45 Financial systems
42:39 Loss, A rug pulled from under you
45:50 Reality creation
59:29 Happiness
1:16:49 Actors, celebrities (Kardashian, Whitney)
1:21:47 Dogs
1:23:26 Crop circles
1:24:40 Illuminati
1:27:25 Imbalances and the need for drugs and alcohol
1:28:30 JFK
1:30:53 Obama
1:31:24 Ending words
this is david thomas director of the documentary tuning in i explored the phenomenon of channeling in that film which featured six of america's most prominent and respected channelers in this special awakening zone radio network presentation it's my true pleasure to continue this fascinating and enlightening work i've interviewed adamas channeled by jeffrey hoppy as well as brian through lee carroll the group through steve rother and jim self who connects with santa masters and the archangels as we're tuning in i've woven the interviews together into a cohesive profound offer i couldn't be more excited about this project and all the people that may help navigate these sometimes trying and turbulent times i hope you enjoy the information and insights as much as i have loved gathering them thank you and have fun there's been so much talk these days about ascension what is ascension indeed ascension is the integration i would say that that is the key word in ascension integration integration of your body of your mind and of your spirit together in what i call the body of consciousness it is the joining together of all of your aspects of your body mind spirit of your soul self in this reality in this physical reality rather than waiting to have this ascension experience at moments before your death in the vibrational range ascension simply has meant in your history it has meant releasing the physical body and going home ascension has been done every time you leave the body and every time you die in one of these lifetimes today the gift is given to humanity not only individually but as a whole to reach that ascension status to vibrate so high that you put yourself into a new place almost like being reborn on the planet almost like going into the next lifetime without dying now what is taking place for the very first time is that it is entirely possible to stay and start again and that is our definition of what we have been terming as ascension for now you can benefit from the same higher vibrations and the same rise in vibrations by without having to go home first and that is that becomes that becomes a larger awareness it's similar to the ice is beginning to thaw and there's more fluidity in the moving around in the water than there was in the rigidity of the ice and as these vibrations raise up many of the beliefs considerations thoughts habits reactionary responses that we have held are now starting to just fall away those who are on this awakening path right now are literally the first group of humans who are allowing their divine into this reality there's always been a veil or rather a wall separating that it's always been at a distance part of it to allow the human aspect of the human self to thoroughly delve into the experience of life and physical reality without the interference or the bias of having the soul self here but also for a very good reason that there was a reluctance on the part of the human aspect to invite the soul self in because this reality is dense it is harsh it is easy to get trapped here oftentimes the human didn't feel worthy or ready for this but what we are telling you is that the way that most people are experiencing this ascension at the moment is that they are simply feeling like they are spinning their wheels they feel like they are doing all the right pieces but not always seeing the results and many times it's because how they have measured the results in the past or how they have looked many have this kind of well a hollywood version of ascension where suddenly you're stricken by a lightning bolt or suddenly you go up and up in a poof of smoke and but to go where to go where well the real joy in ascension is a living ascension right here but there are many what i would say false or misleading expectations and these are the expectations based on the human aspect it expects suddenly that you're going to be rich the human aspect expects that suddenly with the enlightenment or the joining together of the soul self you suddenly have this massive knowledge that you are psychic that you can see into the future that suddenly you know all the information about science and mathematics and everything else this this is a what i would call the superman or superhuman expectation all it's really doing is building the human aspect aggrandizing it making it stronger better looking younger richer and sexier this has been one of the very reasons that the soul self of the human self haven't done a real merge up to now because of these false expectations and this is why often when the soul self is in the presence of you in your now moment and oftentimes the human doesn't even recognize it because it's looking for something else it's looking for intelligence strength money any of these very human-based issues indeed the soul self the divinity is absolute simplicity it is it is clear and it is simple and the soul self has no desire to try to rescue or save the human self not because it's not compassionate as a matter of fact it because the soul self is very compassionate it wants the human to absolutely enjoy the experience of life even if that experience sometimes is difficult or tragic or dramatic that is indeed part of living and if you are feeling stuck if you are feeling like you are doing all the right pieces the first thing to do is to lose perspective and to start to see from different areas and different ways of what your life is all about but that is what is changing you are receiving much help from the universe in this process when the soul self comes in and when the human aspect truly recognizes it there is a beautiful reunion there is a an amazing alchemy of energies and consciousness that occur in this moment but it doesn't mean that suddenly you're going to have what many of you would call a an experience of cosmic consciousness it is a suddenly just an experience of accepting that it is all going to be okay that you don't need to apply force or pressure to your life you don't have to earn your way to heaven you don't have to try to study every piece of spiritual information and according in order to try to get knowledge and wisdom in the shift there is something that really is extraordinary that if the universe knows you don't know where you store it all of your not okayness you know we walk around i'm not attractive i'm not smart i'm not intelligent i don't fit i'm never going to succeed i'm not okay in that not okayness every one of us has found that we don't like it it doesn't feel good it's it's threatening it's uncomfortable and so what we've done with that not okayness is we've kind of put it behind us in a field called unconsciousness but we also know about this law of attraction and the law of attraction it says simply what you put your attention on i the universe who adores you will provide what you ask for but the universe understands asking as in vibrational frequency and so when you take i'm not okay and i don't believe myself in myself and you store that in unconsciousness it doesn't go away and the universe wakes up with you the next morning and says what would you like to experience today and there's all that unconscious i'm not okay so the universe is really kind of eliminating a lot of your memory right now not your memory but the memory that you have chosen to hang on to to identify yourself it's part of the the this whole awakening process right now is it basically comes down to can you incarnate can you reincarnate without having to go through the death experience and a bigger question that i would ask any of the listeners do you want to now this sounds like a strange question but i would have to say that so many of the listeners really aren't sure whether they want to even be here on this planet let me say well yes if i had my health if i had money if i had good relationships well yes i would want to be here but that's not how it works it's do you want to be here do you want life do you want to live in this experience are you ready for basically a reboot of your body mind spirit are you ready for truly grand changes in your life part of the process is to allow yourself to love yourself to get into a state of mind where you start to understand all that is around you that you're not a victim of the planet but instead you have been placed here with reasons with purpose by your own design when you release yourself from this and start understanding who you are why you came and that the process is absolute it starts to change your life now i know what's racing through many of your heads right now many of you say well i just want a little bit more money i want a little bit more ease i don't want to have to worry about tomorrow um i want to i want to my relatives to stop bothering me and those are incidental those are actually meaningless so i'm going to push you and part of my whole intent of working with all of you right now is to push it i'm saying but what do you really really want i'll give you the answer right now if it was me in your shoes in physical form on a planet at this time what i would choose would be clarity clarity because many of you are walking around in a fog the fog of mass consciousness the fog in the lack of your own decisions or directions or knowing what's going to happen i would ask for clarity and make that choice clear demand clarity in your life and once you have that clarity you understand also that you don't need to force this thing called ascension it's here you don't need to crawl on your hands and knees to have your own divinity come in it's actually already here it's about having the clarity to understand that to stop working at it so hard to do some breathing to accept that without the expectation and then to just live it but all of it is now about passion all of it is about finding that peace that each and every one of you brought from home and that's where the magic will be found in all of these areas every part of this for each and every person has a direct connection to home if they learn to explore it and they may have different expressions of it many may have different ways of communicating but all of this will change in the days ahead for all of humanity is walking clearly through through a mass ascension at this very time it's very exciting to watch what has never happened in quite this fashion before all eyes around planet earth that leads to another amusing point many people want what they would call changes but not big changes they want a little bit more money they want a little less aches and pains in their body and they want other people to be nicer to them those are minor changes for the most part but what's the listeners what all of you listeners are on the verge of standing at the threshold of is major changes and that could mean totally new circumstances could mean a totally new mind and mindset totally new consciousness and that in turn may affect your relationships your job and everything else so many put their foot on the brake at this point saying well i want a little bit of ascension but i do have to say that there's not a little bit it's it's all or nothing because when you say a little bit of ascension it's still a human aspect it's not so sure not trusting itself not ready to let go not ready to do this thing that you you call the surrender or what i call the acceptance when you bring your soul self in and allow it to experience don't don't bring it in in order to save you in order to bring you money and bring you health no no no because it's not doesn't really want to come in on those terms it's not there to come in and save you it's there to be with you it's difficult to explain in human words but it's the best friend you've ever had it's the greatest lover you've ever had it's the greatest feeling of completion and fulfillment that you've ever had consciousness is starting to move more and more human beings will be receiving this message and starting to understand it is for them and not for the few but the few that i speak of are the forerunners they are the ones who are planting the seeds for the others eventually many will see it you're going to see the results of this the very answer to your question about how the world starts to go the elimination of war old energy is hard it will fight and these are the things you see on television these are the things that beat you up and make you think that there's no forward progress but there is go inside and go inward and you will see it and feel it if you wish to if you wish to it's all personal but it would ask any of you to reflect on this for a moment imagine yourself imagine a threshold a doorway and imagine here you are on the limited human perspective side of the door on the other side of the door is this this concept this feeling of ascension why haven't you taken that step now we can say many will say that because they don't know what that step is no that's an excuse many will say that they're they're waiting for the answer before they take that step no an excuse there's a reason why any of you are waiting why what happens if this is all a joke or all an illusion or all totally untrue what happens if there there is no god there is no soul what if life is just the byproduct of some biological melding together of chemicals and elements that created some sort of quasi intelligence called humans about the planet what if this is all been made up and many humans don't want to face that so it's easier to stand at the doorway it's easier to stand and complain about the things that aren't going right it's easier sometimes to be in the in the um the illusion or wishing for something dreaming about it rather than to actually have it happen so you're in this in between you don't want to live you don't want to die what do you think happens in this in between zone not much not much you don't get much energy action therefore you don't get much abundance you have just enough you ever noticed any of you were listening you ever notice how you just have just barely enough and some days you go through i don't know how i got by should be nice to have a little bit more but no you're you're in this in between not living not dying so you literally attract just enough energy to your life in this in between you're not attracting dynamic relationships because you don't know if you want to be here or not so you're not magnetizing you're not bringing in dynamic enjoyable fun relationships many have done it is available for all and so too many have done it is available for all and so too many have done it is available for all and so too me and the answer today is that which is ascension is what the human is able to do in this new energy by claiming the divinity which is his what can you say to our listeners about 2012 now that we're here what was originally supposed to happen in 2012 was the final end of the planet the planet has to be in the timeline in other words it has a beginning and an end it is on the finite side it is not infinite as spirit is so by playing the game on the finite side it had to have a beginning and an end what took place is that originally the end was going to be between the years 2000 and 2012 it would have taken roughly 12 years to kill that planet now you have to understand that the 2012 experience is not a one-year solstice event it is a 36 year window I give you this from astronomy not from metaphysics the astronomy of the grand alignment that is to say the galactic alignment as called by astronomers is a 36 year window where the solstice is precessed through the galactic equator in the middle of that window 18 years on each side is 2012 and in this time the minds predicted that it's our last chance the fifth time that humanity would go through an energy of choice so it's not a choice that happens this year back up 18 years 19 even 20 with me and you'll start to see how it all begins to line up there is no apocalypse there will be earth changes and there will be volcanoes and there will be collapses of the financial systems and there will be different ways of viewing things and the idiocy of war will finally be determined that we don't do this anymore and so we're in a transition the concept of apocalypse and all of these you know stories that have been told are basically from a limited point of reference based on a smaller part than the 5% of the brain that's turned on making decisions about things we have no idea about and then quoting scripture which was rewritten time and time and time again and you have to ask which Bible are you reading as there's now 970 of them in circulation all of them saying something similar but different then you go back to the Council of Nicaea and when they threw out most of the books that would have told you about the well-being and the opportunities I would say that perhaps the biggest thing that this humanity is going to learn is morals and values from the experience of this year and even going into the next few years but it's going to cost people that really take a look at what what is meaningful to them what are the values to them and for a lot of people it's just really going to be a year where they turn they take the opportunity for personal responsibility they're understood they're seeing right now that the governments and religions and even many of the businesses of this world aren't going to take care of them and unfortunately this is actually what many people want just to be taken care of so it's going to cause many people to take a look at themselves their personal responsibility the responsibility of their choice of their of their own life but what happened you awoke from the dream you started to take your power you started to change and as a result of the things that were supposed to happen in 2012 many of them you have pulled forward many of you are getting tired of talking about 2012 because you've heard so much about it and you have experienced it but you are already living in a new world things don't work the same even as they did three years ago you're moving at the speed of light from one vibrational level to the next as a result it is it is causing many of these ripples in these changes everybody is going to step into the fifth dimensional consciousness in a very rapid manner but everybody is not going to step into it on December 12th 2012 in fact 2000 and December 13th 2012 is going to come just as every other day comes so it's not so much what happens on December 12 2012 it's very much what happens to you in this year as we progress to December 12th there's an interesting dynamic happening right now that ties into this whole issue of a number some of you are focused on 2012 that's more just this time period there are intense new energies coming to earth but there is a tremendous resource of wisdom here on earth that makes it not only doable but actually enjoyable to stay here in the physical body in this reality with ascension consciousness and my dear friends this is absolutely amazing what what you're in the process of doing if you ever get out of the doorway to be here in awareness not not get over this whole concept of superhuman call it new human new think to be here on this planet walking in physical form integrated into your body mind and spirit it's going to be a different type of living than you've ever experienced or than most ascended masters have ever experienced it is a grand wave of energy it is a human wave please understand there are many alignments that are going to take place on December 21st in the universe but this is a human wave of energy that is creating this this movement and you are reflective of your own creations is what it is it is giving you a way to see who you truly are and your own creations now it sounds good but understand that it's going to intensify everything all the issues out there duality and conflict and strife and systems the old energy dies hard there are many things that you will see that are not appropriate that you will not like and will make you weep these things are human nature there's gonna be fewer of them there will be those who will try to take the energy backwards watch for this but we will win and when I say we I mean those humans who have decided to go into ascension so you can use these energies in what you would call a productive way the best time in the world to start a new project a new business anything else because these energies are there to support it but these energies coming in almost like a tidal wave are also going to affect a lot of the old energy systems on earth financial systems religious system politics they're going to be there's gonna be a lot of strange crimes this year bizarre unusual there could be global events such as huge earthquakes and things like that and it's interesting that the drama expectation with humans almost is asking for that right now it wants to see something big and dramatic happen but I would say the the real experience of the real events are going to be on a very very personal level this year now here is the interesting piece that even though many people have kind of burnt out about speaking about 2012 in the miracles just because so many people are looking for something magical to happen on that day you will reach out with your own creative collective creative abilities and create miracles that will even take you further into the new vibration than ever thought possible so one of the things is occurring in it's like saying to the caterpillar you're just going to go to sleep for a little while and you're going to wake up being a butterfly there is no way that caterpillar can grasp that concept and yet that is where humanity is at this moment in 20 years or so when we look back on 2012 what do you think we will have learned and how far will we have come they'll look back and say that this was a year of great technology developments this was a year of great breakdowns of old systems it will not take 20 years you will see that rejuvenation of physical bodies come to a conclusion where you will see within the next five to ten years the ability to step out of the death cycle very fundamentally present to people will they all choose that no but will many begin to start to walk in a level where they will not leave the body until the soul is ready to leave the body that will take an entire electrical configuration alteration in the brain and I'm watching people do it this minute basically become immortal in this body within the next 10 years that's what you're saying that is what I'm saying the things are gonna happen the next 20 years I will predict right now you're gonna see the beginning of peace in the Middle East that's gonna be brokered from people you never expected it will not be the West and this is the first thing that you're gonna start to understand and it will not come easily there may even be some battles and they will clear and you will see those making decisions that are wise this also happens to be your very very high potential of a new type of virus that has not been present so much in the past but a new virus coming out that where there's no cure there's no medication for it and it could affect millions and millions of people I'm not saying that's going to happen but when we look at the energy of things and we look at the balance of energy this human consciousness and human biology are very susceptible right now to a new virus like the bird flu and that kind of thing this is very different not even be classified as a flu or anything that's that's been seen up today that if this does happen to come out and manifest there are gonna be many that claims that's coming from outer space or aliens or somewhere else because it is so new so different consciousness can create viruses of its own and the viruses sometimes tend to be literally there are consciousness viruses but no nobody has some quantified it yet or is even aware of it but there are viruses of consciousness just like there are of biology and oftentimes they work kind of compatibly or can start in consciousness and then make its way into biology you will think of this time as the celebration of your spirit of your soul for it is one piece that will harmonize every person on the planet in some way even those who do not believe anything will happen even those who don't even know that there is a Mayan prophecy there are many on this planet who are not in complete harmony with these ideas yet everyone will feel this wave of energy very similar to the way you've all felt the wave in the harmonic convergence in harmonic concordance there are a lot of different sources some of them channeled that say the entire financial system as we know it is almost going to crumble or implode in the near future do you see this happening it actually already has happened it truly hasn't that's the good news because nobody particularly noticed it I mean somewhere where that was happening but everybody is still out buying their food and their gasoline and taking their vacations and going to the circus and eating bread so to speak so it already happened there's no real tangible backing up of the financial system anymore it's all it's all digits it's all zeros and ones if you really get right down to it and it's all based on trust life goes on based absolutely on trust there it is not backed up anymore by real goods or tangible goods for the most part so the good news is that the collapse already occurred now what's happening right now is there are many trying to rebuild or to try to read figure out the the economy in the financial system what is going to happen as a result of this is a better distribution of energy and wealth of course in the past that there were small groups or families or governments or businesses that held on to tremendous amount of wealth and it just can't be anymore there's no reason for it either so it is being distributed on a much more equitable basis now the systems of the past even that which is one of the best that which is the United States which provided that which was better for almost any citizen than any other country for so long that system is falling apart it's falling apart because of lack of integrity there are those who would say that big money can never be changed that is to say the corporations the human beings the apparatus of big money can never be disassembled it's just too large of a power now look around you it has been disassembled the banking systems the insurance systems all that which you took for granted as working a certain way has now fallen over some of the largest corporations fell over just a few years ago that was another prediction I gave you simply one year before it all took place it was inevitable because the seeds were being planted for it new businesses will sprout out but you still in the United States have several options available and the other parts of the world may not get quite as easily off well there are many pieces that are working in the area of Europe right now to try and fill this gap to try and fill this bubble with reality instead of more air money is going to go away and it's not going to be some all sudden the world is being has no money to deal with it is a form of consciousness and it is a worldwide mass group agreement that agreement is being changed very very rapidly what that looks like I'm not going to venture to guess I have a good idea but it's not worth my speculating what is more important than what money looks like is how do people begin to create community and create well-being and create respect and interaction how do you begin to create that village growing the children concept back into life how do you put laughter back into everybody's reality we will see how it plays out for those who are not able to change will very simply come apart even if the financial system comes completely apart in a country and please understand it is not possible to come completely apart for you are a global economy much more than you know however if one completely fails it does not mean that the people will go away it does not mean that the people will not go to work the next day it simply means that a new system will very quickly fill in a spot that will follow more of the true energy rather than the illusion so basically the financial system is collapsed it is being rebuilt right now and I would say in these coming years there's gonna be a lot of a lot of financial strife and ultimately what's going to happen is the the government and the financial systems which by the way are generally not the same thing they're gonna have to redo their systems to allow the continual open flow of the energies within them in other words no controlling ultimately and I know some of you programmed against this but you are going to have more of a one-world type of banking system that doesn't mean one company or government or person controlling it I'm talking about it's got to take into account everyone in the world not just a few developing countries there are going to be brilliant people that are going to have amazing ideas technologically that is going to change dramatically many of the things that we know and depend on the technological aspects of energy will change in the next number of years in a way that oil will become virtually obsolete human consciousness won't allow those levels of greed that you've seen in the past to continue but understand greed isn't just a few rich people hoarding money greed is also if you consider this it's people who are on welfare who are working the system who are taking advantage of it who expect to be taken care of that that is as much greed as being over rich so there's going to have to be a rebalancing of all this and it is in the works and where it comes from is not some think tank or a group of individuals that is working on new systems it starts in the consciousness of even a small group of humans who don't understand structurally how it's going to happen but they just see that there is a need for a more equitable distribution of energy on this planet energy being finances or anything else and it doesn't start by trying to save the world first it starts out by imagining it in your own life a better distribution of energy and love within yourself in your body and in your mind and every experience that you have a more equitable balance of your body mind spirit and that's where it starts and that's that's why this earth is changing right now so what's happening in the world right now is everybody's understanding coming to understand first of all that there's much more than reality to reality than the physical components of life and ultimately what it's coming down to is trust financial systems are based in trust a person let's say a woman in inner city six kids no money being evicted where's the trust there well but it is what she chose and there's things called ancestral karma where you that is actually stronger than your own personal karma where you are following an ancestral path sooner or later every one of these beings is going to wake up but right now they're in their dream and in other words they're they're living life in a very limited narrow way and while you can blame others and say well this poor woman or this poor man being taken advantage of the eyes of compassion say they're allowing it they're letting themselves have this experience there are many people who have found themselves in very difficult situations because they were leaning on some peace please do not take that as a negative because everyone leans on something at some point and yet it is not your true nature to gain strength from something of that nature it is simply your nature to gain comfort from that so when you have a change of job we can guarantee you one thing that when you look back at that five years from the time that you lost it you will be very thankful that you lost it there are reasons that many people are being moved and we realize that meant to many of you it feels like the rug is being pulled out from under you not that you are being led in a good direction it feels like many times things are being taken away rather than added to you and yet we tell you that sometimes that is necessary for you to see the new direction to see a new potential and to see a new part you ask what my advice is to the human being who's going through it right now i would say cling to the love of god like you do in the death of those around you and understand that there's a period of grieving do not make it blacker than it is do not see it as something that is the end see it as something which might even be the beginning now we tell you that it is also a temporary situation if you find yourself consistently going from one piece to the other there is a pattern there that must be dealt with and probably part of the reason that you came in begin re-evaluating your life and finding the things that you really love to do for they will now define you much more than ever before and with that new definition that is the magnetic field that goes around you which draws everything to it including all the matter every piece every creation of yours quantum things seem out of logic they seem random and they're not they seem chaotic and they're not i know this is not making sense perhaps to those who have not heard my lessons before but we teach them as often as we can we say start to depend on what we would call quantum reality not the 3d ways that you've had before and then you will not find things crashing instead you're going to find things moving in directions you didn't expect that don't seem to be under your control but which are far better than anything you could have ever planned for yourself in relationships in jobs in all these things that you would say are your normal everyday activities plug them in to this new system begin starting in that area for that is really the new opportunities here and with this step up in vibration that all of the earth is experiencing is a wonderful how much have we decided to experience on another level or even before we incarnated and how much are we deciding to experience consciously excellent question for it is at the base of the free choice planet you have free choice in all matters when you are on the planet but you must understand that when you are home before you come into the planet before you incarnate you set up potentials they are what you call contracts spiritual contracts you think of them differently they are not the same as your legal contracts where there is no penalty for not doing a contract you make many of them and what these are are your highest potentials that your spirit wants you to remember now even though you have a very high potential and even though you meet this person that you have a contract with you still have a choice you still have a conscious choice whether you wish to go forward i wish you whether to go in a different direction and partly because of that you set up many possibilities and many potentials well the first thing i would ask any of you to do is look at why you aren't changing now this is where i tend to be a bit provocative and some get angry with me if there's something in your life that's going on bad health bad wealth bad relationships or anything else there's a reason why it's there and that reason is you're not ready to let go of it yet the reason is that at some level it's giving you satisfaction or comfort or giving you a type of experience but at some level you're not ready to let go of it and any person who is even having a depression a mental depression is they're choosing it because it's literally doing something for them they can change it anytime they want but in order to do so they have to understand what purpose it's serving in their life but once you recognize that then you can make the clear choice do i want to let it go or do i want to hang on to it so are you saying there's absolutely no um i would say pre-destiny but i would say uh some sort of choice before you incarnate that you want to experience so that's an excellent question i'll try to keep the short answer yes and no that most of the beings who who are reincarnating are not really at a very high level of awareness in other words they're they're not even aware of a soul's portion of themselves they're they're not doing any type of imagining into what they would like to do they literally go from one incarnation stumbling right into the next with very little time out very little level for assessment or or even deciding what they want to do they're following the the same train tracks from one lifetime into the other and on those train tracks are are their past life aspects their ancestral karma their their limited way of thinking their belief systems their their baggage and wounds that they're carrying and they just get they stay right on that same train track from one lifetime into the other it's very difficult to understand because as a human being facing god you want to think god is love and all things are fair and so there is no opportunity for you then to alter that and think that maybe the reality is skewed and the dice are loaded how would you then describe that individual who was born into the royal family and would be king that's an accident does he have the same opportunity as the one in the sudan and you'd say it doesn't appear to be fair fair is not what you consume it to be or what you think it's to be i use the word consume because you totally consume an idea and think it is the right idea not understanding at all the reality of it many times there are also other pieces of this or there is much work out there that is really helping a lot of people in many different areas and in metaphysics for many times you set up a negative experience for yourself and you learn the lesson you finish the experience and yet that negativity continues in a pattern for humans love patterns they love repetition in their life it is comfortable there is a plan some of you are born in places you have asked to be born which are difficult and you do that to help the planet in ways some of you come in as orphans you knew you were going to be orphans when you were born an orphan some of you come in to die early some of you david even come in not to be full term or to die when you're three in order to give your parents a gift of compassion and perhaps kick them into a place spiritually they never would have gone before they've just had their house foreclosed they've lost their job their wife just left them in their kid's cancer how creative is that person in stepping out of those situations not very creative because they're overwhelmed and grief and frustration and depression and completely at a loss for how to step out of that space to a great extent that consciousness is is evolving also and part of that level of consciousness is people are starting to say there's got to be a better answer to this i just don't go back and get a new job at half the wages i was at because i can't support my children and my ex-husband wife and so there's a very divisive loop that we are playing in that has to be broken on that level you end up repeating negative experiences without realizing it and after a very short time it becomes very firmly ingrained and even travels between lifetimes for you so many times these are the phantom negative pieces that can be very easily changed and rewritten and there are many healing modalities that are working with that currently this is some of the greatest healing that is taking place on this planet for all these issues definitely come up when you move vibrational levels all your scar tissue comes right up in your face so you can look at it we use a very simple tool called a rose a rose if you can imagine what a red rose looks like there's a reason for this choice but basically if you can identify this part of your aura and you can put this rose or a delineation is what you're creating a point out at the edge of the rose and you say from that point to my heart is me and everything on the other side of that rose is shakespeare's theater to entertain me would that create a difference in your reality and the answer is a staggering difference in your reality see once you define this point in your aura what happens is you begin to distinguish and discern between what's yours and what's not yours and as you begin to hold that reference point something very magical happens you are drawn right into present time you're not living in your past or worrying about your future you are simply standing there and observing is this something that i wish to interact with or is it something that i will allow to be out there for my entertainment the minute you make that decision and you begin to learn to stand on your side of that rose you begin to see many things that you have been assuming have an enormous amount to do with you when in fact they never had anything to do with you so when you play with that tool you get to begin to manage your energy and you begin to become conscious in present time with choice very big deal there are more and more humans coming along now such as yourselves those who are listening to this who are becoming more aware and conscious whether it's in between lifetimes or or right now and you're saying stop hold a minute i am that i am i am god also i am here by choice in this living experience i'm going to make the most of it i'm going to truly live life i want to invite my soul to come in and experience that to experience what it's like to have a little physical pain what it's what it's like to try to mentally struggle through a problem and then laugh with my soul about it and say well wasn't that fun but wasn't that a little bit limited and then together with the soul bring in the wisdom and bring in the experience everything that you perceive you change in some way if you walk outside and you look at the beauty before you you look at the gorgeous green of the springtime trees that are just starting to really reach for the sun they actually get greener because you are perceiving them and that is what is taking place here you are spreading the light from home and everything you visit that is one of the main reasons you wanted to be a human you wanted to come here especially those of you who have been here so many lifetimes some of you have spent so so many times of your energy here on this planet to help it evolve and many of you are here in this lifetime now you are incarnate right now because this was the time it was going to end had you not been successful so many of you are here and that is why we say celebrate for that is the greatest vibration that you have you bring home to earth every time you smile every time you laugh and that is what this is about but when you perceive it is one of the reasons for you to be here for to for you to witness life in some way it's one of the best games in all it is so you've got free will and you can choose and why so many of us are here right now is this is like the grand finale this is act three scene three of the great play that evolves into act four of a whole on another scale we can tell you that you are basically fine-tuning your spirit you're in an evolutionary mode your whole idea was to perfect yourself in some way even though you know perfectly well that you are defined by your imperfections and yet your reach for perfecting yourself for fine-tuning yourself that is the god within each one of you and even though it is somewhat resistant sometimes you are perfecting that imperfection and that is moving all of humanity to a new level of vibration that is what you are celebrating and that is what is taking place all over this planet but it is truly a combination and much the way that we say that there are two ways of working with light for you can be the light but you also need to be able to reflect the light and that is now becoming the key elements of how to get along on this planet not only do you bring your piece to the table not only do you stand up and say i have something of value here but you also make space for everyone else you also make space for that truth to be evolved and this isn't these are new concepts that humans are not used to yet you are walking right into it and you are you are asking the right questions and yet even with all those potentials you still don't need them you can create the miracles even without looking for the highest potential you can create what is even called conscious contracts that were not made at home that were made here on the planet as a creator and we are getting very excited to watch these begin to unfold this is not a custom on planet earth this is not the norm it is beginning to change you are starting to awaken from the dream and as you start to see these pieces that will hold what you perceive to be magic understand one thing it's a mirror it's showing you you is it really possible to be happy all the time on planet earth of course not it is a polarity planet you have built it in such ways that if you do not see the darkness you cannot see the light it must go through both for it is not about it is not truly about a journey or about experiencing joy passion or fear all of it is a human expression of a spirit all of it is the actualization of god but when you go home you go through each piece of your life and you remember it almost like laying out candy after going out for a halloween visit and pulling each piece up and looking at it deciding which one do you like the best which ones you want to experience in your next lifetime and when you go home you go through each piece of your life and you remember it almost like laying which ones you do not, which ones you are complete with. And you go through every part of that, and you set that up for the next possibility. And many times, you consciously choose a negative experience because you learn better from it. And then when you get home, you look at all those pieces, and many times, you actually remember your pain as a beautiful human experience. You can't be happy with a 3D polarity because you'll have one foot in each world. But you can go beyond the polarity and into the oneness which is you. And that is what creates the happiness, where you can sit no matter what and say, it is well with my soul. So you say, what is happiness? Well, many of the listeners may define it from a human perspective. Basically, happiness is having a few more dollars and having some people that love them and being healthy. But those who have actually achieved that have found out it really doesn't bring them happiness. It brings them maybe a little reprieve, a little bit more comfort, but there's still that nagging feeling that there's something else out there. Thus far in our timeframe, that we're aware of anyway, thus far in that timeframe, that concept has not been chosen. Well-being and beauty, the internal smile in the heart, the uplifting, nurturing, reaching out a sense of dignity and respect, the ability to be a creator on your own terms without interfering with others at the same time. See, that has not been something that is accessible. But yet, if you said, would you like this to every human being, would you like to be happy? Everyone would say yes. Virtually everybody would say yes. Well, why aren't you? Well, I have to go to work and I have a family and in. Most humans want a little bit more. And let me explain that a little bit in more detail. First of all, most humans allow themselves to have just enough. This belief is in mass consciousness. It's everywhere and it's something actually the church and the governments figured out a long time ago. Instead of really having people suffer and absolutely destitute to the point where they don't care anymore, and they'll definitely revolt, as we saw in France a few hundred years ago, they figured out that give people just enough. Give them a circus once in a while, you call it football, give them bread, you call it McDonald's, but not too much. Just give them enough to lull them into this just enough existing kind of mentality. It works up to a certain point, but what ultimately happens is there's always a group of people who can feel beyond, there has to be something more. And there is, by the way, there's a lot more. And they pursue it, but they feel that they're doing it in the fog, in the dark. They feel every time that they pursue this feeling, that they have this feeling that there's something more out there, that they get slammed back into this limited reality. And sooner or later, a lot of them end up giving up, even trying. It's hard to do in the place where you are currently for many of you are motivated strictly by pain. It is the greatest motivator currently on planet earth. But we tell you when you go home, you will remember it quite differently. We do not even consider it bad. We simply consider it a negative expression. So the choices that we have made are very counterintuitive to well-being. And so what is happening, though, is that chrysalis is unfolding. You're in this space where all of a sudden you're being moved into a position where when asked that question, would you like well-being? Would you like to laugh and be happy and feel respect and appreciation and enjoy your brother and sister rather than throwing rocks at them? It's hard to answer that from where we sit and the question is being asked. But that unfolding is what the butterfly is about to experience. But trying to explain that to the caterpillar is not a possibility at this moment. I would say that happiness is not a good word, although that's what you choose to use. Happiness has some odd connotations. It's more about completion or fulfillment or acceptance, the acceptance and love of yourself. The love of yourself is ultimately the only thing that's gonna make you happy. And how many humans can really say they love themselves? Very few. Very, very few. Right. And I think one of the reasons is that at least we in America are told from a very young age to follow our dreams. And you know, a lot of people do and their dreams don't really come to fruition. And so they get frustrated, maybe even bitter. I'm just wondering how that plays into all that you're talking about. Again, a very good question and it could take hours discussing it, but oftentimes that dream that you're talking about has to do with money in the bank, a good job, a nice family and a nice house. Well, yes, maybe. But also just like creative fulfillment, feeling like you're excited about what you're doing every day. Indeed. Absolutely. And again, good question. First of all, I would suggest to any of you who are at this level and who are becoming more aware, let go of goals and plans. Those are very mental human types of things and they're gonna lead to frustration. And many of you have had in your life with these, having to have these, but let those go. It has to do yet again with goal setting. You think you know what you wanna do. Your aspirations are to have something bigger, you say, but in your mind, you have an idea of what that might be. Most of those who have those ideas got them from innate. That is to say, you're your own fortune teller. You see yourself in a place and you know that it is possible for you. Now, don't then decide to place yourself there in 3D. Instead, relax and say, I'm going in that direction. I got plenty of time. I'm not even aging like I thought I would. I feel good and I'm gonna get to that place no matter what it means physically, eventually. The bigger aspirations may take place in a bigger venue than any of your goals have put you. The next thing is to, let's talk more about imagination. Imagination is what I would call kind of a waking dream. Imagination is where you open, you don't visualize, you don't, what you would say, focus on it, but you imagine like Einstein used to imagine, just open and free, not focusing on getting a new car or a new house, but I mean, really imagining out into the other realms and what it's like. That is going to, first of all, change your whole perception of what your goal or what your dream is for this lifetime, because it's going to show you things that you haven't been aware of up to now. It's gonna show you that all of this really, it truly is right here. It's just a matter of letting it come into your life. But the type of dreams you talk about, the type of goals that I just mentioned, those are very frustrating and not particularly rewarding. So the question back to you, back to all the listeners, what is it that you want? And by the way, very few can really answer that question. What is it that you want? And now I will give you a quantum step. I will tell you this. One of the most important things lightworkers should hear, who told you to do it now? You see, spirit does not have a clock and you do. So you got to throw away the clock. And what I mean by that is to not then plan every moment of what you're gonna do and how you're gonna do it and what you think is appropriate. Instead, you've got to let these things happen in the time they happen. Is there value in surrender? In other words, some people say, let go and let God. Yet, if we're these powerful beings, as Tobias said, God also, does it really make sense to let go and let God? I'm not sure what this means. The only time I find a certain relevance to this term surrender, and what many of you have gone through, it's a mental surrender. It's ultimately, it's really not a surrender. It's stop focusing on the mental process. You wear yourselves out to you can't even think anymore. And when you do, then that allows the intuition, the soul, the mystical part of you to come through up until the mind gets its energy back and starts trying to control things. But so surrendering to an outside being or any other being, no. Surrendering the control of the mind into the true self, absolutely. Surrender to what? You've got to surrender to the old ways. An ego, which says, I am in control. I can be anything and do anything. Therefore, I'm going to be this and do this. Instead of a situation where you surrender, instead to that which to some is fearful, and that is depending upon the universe to create synchronicities where you meet certain kinds of people in certain kinds of places that will answer your questions. Something you did not do yourself. That's the surrender. So you might say you're surrendering to the old paradigm, which you grew up in, which you think is the way it should be. Follow first intuition. Human beings, David, don't follow the first intuition. In fact, how many times would humans say to themselves, I knew that would happen? Well, if you knew that would happen, then why did you do it? And the answer is, you did not obey the first intuitive thought. That first intuitive thought is so important. That is spirit speaking to you about synchronicity. Go do those things which don't make sense and find out what is there you didn't expect. Humans don't use the first intuition because they don't trust them. They believe it's coming from their own creative mind when it is not, but it feels that way. Surrender to the fact that you might be even more magnificent than you've been told. All of your life, you've been told that you were nothing. In some spiritual systems, they tell you you're born dirty. How can you then climb out of that hole? And the answer is, surrender to that old reality and instead capture a new one that says you are magnificent if you will be quiet and watch for the synchronicity and grab it when it comes. Use your first intuitions. These are the stepping stones in what we teach. To you, what is sort of the funniest thing about humans? What don't we get? That's so simple, probably. The funniest piece from our perspective, and you must understand, funny to us, laughter to us is a huge expression of love for it is the language of angels. But to us, the part that you don't get is that you create every experience that you have, that you actually set out and follow a path that you have created on a level. I would say, and I don't want people to mistake funny, but I would say the odd thing, the strange thing is that humans don't see it's all right there, right there. And that's why I say when these humans do go into enlightenment or ascension, they do break down laughing right away because they go, they see that it was always right there. And they laugh at the illusion that they created, the fact that it was so distant or elusive. What they don't get is their magnificence. Some have been trained out of it. Most intuitively don't believe it. And the old energy doesn't teach it. What's funny about humans is the constant ability to fall into their well-being and laugh and enjoy the situations that they are in, even though they don't enjoy the situations they are in. Somehow or another, even in many of our worst situations, we have the ability to change our attention point and laugh. And that's one of the more remarkable things there is in all this. You see, laughter is one vibration that extends all the way to the heart of the creator. Laughter never goes away. You are now learning how to experience that as a conscious experience and actually be in charge of it. You're going to have your issues with it. You will have your ego issues. You will have all the typical pieces of that, but you're learning to be much more in control. And that brings you closer to home. That brings you closer. The other thing I find is odd, funny, is that humans, they have a lot of problems. They complain a lot about things, but yet they hold on to those things that they complain the most about. Whether it's bad relationships or physical illnesses or anything else, they're literally holding on while they're complaining. And there are times where we're doing some training with new angels that are going to be in service to humans. And they're absolutely amazed how one could so much complain or desire to let go of something, but yet hanging on to it at the same time. So the irony is that a human being can come and kneel in prayer and not even realize that they're worshiping themselves. For God is inside. There's no real reason to kneel at all. In fact, it would be better to climb a mountaintop, put your hands up and say, thank you for being with me. That is what we teach. And that is the funny thing about human beings is they're always coming to us. They are victims of everything around them instead of the victors of all the battles that could be won. Why are humans so obsessed with actors and celebrities? Oh, for a couple of reasons. First of all, great distraction. Secondly, they're looking to find themselves. So they project into these actors. They see different aspects of themselves. It gives them something to relate to. It's fun up to a degree, but ultimately you have to go look within yourself. And thirdly also, I'm a big believer in acting because the moment you start acting, you realize that this is all a big act anyway. So there's a certain fascination with acting because ultimately we all realize that we're actors and there's great joy in it. Why on earth is, I'm not even sure if you're familiar with who this is, but somebody like Kim Kardashian, so genuflected to and get so much money and fame with basically no talent while others go without. Has to do with several pieces that you are unaware. Number one, her contracts on this planet put her in a position to be able to do that. It was her greatest dream, her greatest movement, not of just her, but of several in this apparent group that you are speaking. And what has taken place is that people, because of the format, because of the new energy of what you call reality shows, people were able to see more of themselves. They started by being able to perceive themselves and then they started really liking things that were different from themselves. And they wanted to see major contrast for the actual energy has shifted even of what you call reality shows. And now what is taking place is they want to see more of contrast and they are literally drawing in places where they can see contrast and differences. So many times those who seem to stick out, those who seem to bask in the sun, if you will, will actually draw that attention to them at some point for no apparent reason. And it's not right or wrong, but we tell you this, everyone has that capability. You simply have not been working in the direction as a spirit, but this was actually important to her spirit to experience in this lifetime. And the interesting part about it is that many times you have actors, you have people that you have brought in front of you or that you'd love to see on your television screens that are very clearly out of integrity. Are they actually teaching everyone to be out of integrity? No, for many times they're actually teaching people to be in integrity because it is very difficult to watch them. So you would be surprised at the effect that is out there. Do not worry about it, for we tell you that it is making a positive move, even in the contrast that it's in. Whitney is with us, David. We know who she is. You don't have to tell us what has just happened, although it is a courtesy for you to do so for the listeners to know the timeframe of the show. I will tell you this, as the passing of the other musical giant, Michael Jackson. It has created compassion on the planet which otherwise would not have taken place. It's not a sacrifice for these, and they come in with the idea that this might be the way of it. An early departure of a famous individual who has done a great deal for the planet brings with it a tremendous feeling of compassion. Not sorrow, but compassion. Compassion is the catalyst for consciousness. We've talked about this before in many ways. Compassion actually clears energy for the planet to go to new places. It happened during the death of Princess Di. There were those who actually measured it, who had tuned in to what is called the various energies of the magnetic field. Actual instruments measuring compassion on the planet. It happened during what you call your 9-11. All of these things were not designed to create it, but allowed for it. Her passing was the same. So you might say that within the passing of this individual, in her very death, she created something much larger than ever she was. She helped to plant the seeds that she could never have planted if she had remained. Why are dogs almost constantly smiling? Dogs are smiling because they don't wear clothes, they don't have to get married, and they can lick themselves. Because they do not know negative energy in the way that you do. Everything to them is positive. Much the way that they can teach unconditional love for that very reason, for that is what they are truly known for. They have a pure heart. And that is what they have brought to planet Earth.
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