Has Kamala Harris made Abolitionists Empire Apologists?

11 hours ago

Black US voters have traditionally backed Democrat candidates for the presidency, and the 2024 election has the added factor of a possible first woman of colour getting the top job. Could the hope of better lives for Black people under her leadership be the reason why progressive African voices are not speaking out against US imperialist policies now that she leads the ticket?

During a recent appearance on the Breakfast Club (Power 105.1 FM), Green Party vice-presidential nominee Butch Ware says formerly vocal abolitionists (activists against prison industrial complex and racial capitalism and imperialism) have gone mute since Kamala Harris became the Democratic Party's presidential nominee. During a lively debate on the show, journalist Angela Rye responded with optimism on why abolitionists have become quiet, since Harris became the DNC presidential candidate saying, “Could it be that she is someone who listens to voices on all sides?"

Video credit: @Breakfast Club Power 105.1 FM

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