A Winning Strategy

5 months ago

I have a question for you, but before you answer it immediately because there's going to be a two part to the question. The first part is, do you like to win? But the second part is, are you hate losing more? Most people probably hate losing more than they like to win. The reason for that is that they rarely do what is necessary to win consistently. To have the dedication and the commitment that's necessary to win. When it comes to spiritual matters, most people don't even think about winning. They just think about, well, they're either going to heaven or they're not, or there is no heaven or there's not. But Christians rarely think about winning when it comes to spiritual matters. The scriptures talk about winning the race. But there's a strategy that's a part of that and you really win unless you have a strategy. Whether it's the war or a board game or athletic competition, you need a strategy. The scriptures give us a strategy for winning in spiritual matters.

Sermon Notes
Hebrews 12:1 – 3 Keep eyes on Jesus and drop the weights
1 Corinthians 9:24 – 27 Compete to win, exercise self-control, run with an aim, and discipline your body
Philippians 3:13 & 14 Forget the past, reach forward to the future and press on to win the prize

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