5 months ago

Kabala can't answer a yes or no question, why not?
The communist democrat party knows they have to lie and move to the right a little bit (only in their rhetoric) in order to get any votes at all so as to put them even close to winning the election, the same thing Biden was doing before he got knee capped by the communist dems, at the same time they've radicalized their communist base so much that they can't go against them for fear of retribution, so what happens is she claims to be for both policies of the issue, which are in direct conflict with each other in every way, hoping the MSM can use their mind control on the brain dead inexperienced population and make them believe Kabala has really changed her positions and therefore has moved a little "right", then she tells her communist cabal that "don't worry, I haven't switched from my communist positions, I'm just lying to the brain dead idiots just to get votes, once I am elected the communism will come in ever harder, don't sweat it, I'm still a full blown communist tool." she says.

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