UC Irvine staff ridiculed Alexis Lorenze’s condition, laughing at her while she suffered

5 months ago

NURSE ANGELA: “Before I intervened, they treated [Alexis Lorenze] as a nobody.”

• UC Irvine staff ridiculed Alexis’s condition, laughing at her while she suffered.

• They subjected Alexis to extreme delays in responding to her requests for help, exacerbating her pain.

• Alexis struggled to receive even the most basic care, including access to water.

• Staff ignored serious signs of distress, such as Alexis removing EKG leads as a desperate cry for help.

• Instead of placing Alexis in the ICU, Alexis was initially kept on a regular floor without adequate care.

• Despite several pleas, UC Irvine Medical staff have still not submitted a VAERS report.

“I’ve been a nurse for 25 years. You have to treat every patient, no matter who they are or what happened to them as if they were your family member or loved one. And so, I was so disgusted [by UC Irvine’s egregious care],” Nurse Angela lamented.

Alexis needs your prayers, and she needs people to share her story so others don’t suffer the same fate. You can support Alexis by contributing to her fundraiser here to help her get the proper medical care she desperately needs.

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