The need to slow down and the importance of vacationing for mental health

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Coming to you LIVE from one of the most beautiful resorts in the world! We are at Grand Solmar Land's End in Cabo San Lucas. We will set the scene today and we will introduce you to some of our favorite businesses and locals when we do our wrap up show on Friday. This is an International Mobile Monica. We can do our show from anywhere in the world. Reach out for us to showcase your incredible business or event! We will talk about the need to slow down and enjoy life with good friends and also how important vacationing is for your mental health.

#therealmonicaadams #Mexico #Liveshow #Cabo #CaboSanLucas #GrandSolmar #LandsEnd #vacation #ocean #watertherapy #calm #bigdecisions #buildingthislife #dreambig #mentalhealth #bekindtoyourself #slowdown #enjoylife

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