There is a Price for Holding Attack Thoughts | Choose Non-Judgment, Acceptance and Forgiveness

4 months ago

Holding attack thoughts is like carrying a poison dagger close to your heart, thinking it will protect you, when in reality, it only can wound and threatens you. These attack thoughts—born from anger, resentment, and judgment—are not just fleeting emotions; they are chains that bind your spirit, weighing you down in a world of fearful illusions. Every time you entertain an attack thought, you unconsciously expect retaliation and punishment, and thus isolate yourself in a fortress of fear.
The price is steep: you lose your peace of mind, your joy, your relationships with others, and your connection to the truth. The energy you expend in maintaining these attack thoughts leaves you exhausted, while the imagined victories they promise only lead to deeper suffering.

A Course in Miracles says, “Fear has made everything you think you see…” The course also says that we live in a world of dreams and illusions, that nothing the world believes is true, and the ego is insane. Is it any wonder why it oftentimes feels like we are living in one big infuriating insane asylum?

To escape this rollercoaster, consider the power of non-judgment, acceptance, and forgiveness, and how fear – while seeming to protect us - distorts our perception of reality. In a world where judgment, attack and retaliation is the norm, choosing non-judgment, acceptance, and forgiveness is a radical act of liberation. Non-judgment allows you to see beyond the surface of what is not true.

Acceptance does not mean ignoring harm, but rather recognizing the humanity in each of us, flawed and striving. Forgiveness is the final key, the act that unlocks the prison of resentment and frees both the offender and yourself. By choosing these paths, you step out of the cycle of attack and retaliation, creating a space where healing and reconciliation can flourish. Watch this video for more.

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