Galibi/Arauacay/ misnomer "Caribs & Arawaks" series pt7 Where were the swarthy settlers coming from?

21 days ago

The Colonization Schedule of Kairi (misnomer-Trinidad) by Swarthy/"Black" Spanish Conquistadores/Conversos/Moriscos- in this part we will see the route taken by the swarthy ("Black") invaders who settled after fleeing Spain and the inquisition some settling here and inviting other fleeing invaders to this island Kairi as well. Still no mention of any "African Slave" being brought here during the periods 1498-1797, to which after the British invaders would only have Forty-eight years from 1797-1845 to bring any "African Slave" to Kairi. This would also be impossible because their naval forces were depleted in the British-Carib war 1795-1797! make that make sense!!!!

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