Take Our Boarder Back

6 months ago

Let's Roll! September 27 - 29, 2024

Join us for a 3 day trip from Niagara Falls to Washington DC!

Soup Mama Official will be livestreaming several events over the weekend.

Friday night begins with Take Our Border Back Worship Prayer and Deliverance, presented by Rod Parker Ministries.

Saturday morning is the Take Our Border Back Summit on the Rainbow Bridge. We will be meeting on the international line from the bridge over Niagara Falls with our Canadian brothers and sisters once again! This is going to be an amazing sight of Nations united.

Shortly after concluding the Summit, we are rolling convoy style all the way to Washington DC! Several of us we be traveling together and we will be streaming the whole way! There are meet up points for those of you that want to join in the convoy from along the road!

It's a long drive but it's always more fun with friends. We encourage those of you that cannot make the journey to join us online. We have a family friendly, respectful, chat and chan Tip everyone can enjoy the ride together. We παντfamily friendly, respectful, chat and channel so everyone can enjoy the ride together. We have an amazing online community of regular "passengers" on our adventures that help keep it fun!

Sunday morning we will be joining up and attending the Rescue the Republic Rally in DC hosted by Join the Resistance, Org. This event has an amazing lineup of speakers and entertainment for the day. We are absolutely thrilled to be attending this event in our Nation's Capitol.

We encourage you to attend some or all of these events in person if you are able. These are going to be an amazing 3 days! We have all of the flyers for the events posted on our page! Please don't hesitate to contact any of the groups or us for more information!

If you would like to support our efforts

Soup Mama Official Cash App$ https://cash.app/$SoupMamaOfficial

Soup Mama Official Venmo https://www.venmo.com/u/soupmamaofficial

Soup Mama Official PayPal https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/soupmamaofficial


#soupmamaofficial #eatmoresoup #cometothetable #convoy #convoykitchen #TheyWorkForUs #WeMoveAsOne #WeThePeople #walkasfreepeople #crushingthenarrative #wewillALLbethere #holdtheline #LOUDMAJORITY

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