Keep Your Light On - Day 23

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Day 23 - Keep your light on

Today is a daily reminder, we are the light and we have the choice to keep it shining.

Light Is Life inside the body

The Sun gives us life, Our Son

We always have a choice and as we rise each morning we get to show up, we get shine our light and we get to enjoy the fruits of life

The Garden of Eden is inside our body

Our Mind is the gatekeeper and we have full control of what comes into our inner sanctuary

We celebrate our life once a year on our birthday, yet on this day we blow our lights out. If we flip the one day a year to celebrating everyday, we confirm the light beings that we are and that energy is felt from within and by everyone around us

Our mind is the gatekeeper for the body and our thoughts reflect the feelings that arise. Imagine our mind is the soil and mirrors the roots inside the body. What ever we plant inside the mind regardless if they are negative or positive thoughts with grow back in abundance.

The negative thoughts grow in Poison Ivy and become infested with weeds and chaos and the positive seeds from a Rose grows into a magical beautiful bush.

We have to nurture our garden(mind) with love, attention and consistency

Showing up everyday is the key

If we look at the life journey of the bamboo tree. It takes 5 years of love and care and consistency to see any signs of growth, yet once the roots pop up from the ground, it then grows at rapid speeds and turns into a giant. Without the nurturing this would not be possible.

Treat our life as the bamboo tree, even if things feel stagnant, have faith that the hard work and labour will be rewarded with the fruits of life. During this process, we get to learn about ourselves, we become healthier, wiser and more experienced. We get to bring awareness to all the joys and successes along the way which all feed our soul

Tender the garden to stop the weeds from coming back

Every day set the intention, Keep the light on, look for the signs to keep it beaming. A light mind is a light body and a light body is healing.

Look at the higher perspective, zoom out
Know when your light is shining, you will be attracting people into your life

Ask yourself, why have they attracted me into their life and why have I attracted them?

Today Is a constant reminder that you are in control, you are special, you are the gift, you unique. Your past does not define you, it just adds to your story, WHAT A STORY

What do you do to keep your light shining?
What seeds are you planting daily into your body?
What gets in the way to disrupt your light?
What can you do to become that gatekeeper?

Keep your light shining and shine your truth to the world

Enjoy this teaching

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