The Missing Link In The JFK Assassination Conspiracy Key Jewish Role

5 months ago

Michael Collins Piper
July 16, 1960 - May 30-31, 2015 ?

Michael Collins Piper, a person of true and proud Indigenous Native American ancestry and a Christian. Of such high stature in the World. Preparing legal actions, exposing the truth, suffering great pressures, under murder threat from the most premiere Jewish Organizations and their exposed White Supremacist controlled opposition "patriot community." Called a "Nigger Lover" by AFP. Isolated and found dead. Not that they would be believed, but no official murder, arson, terrorist, hate crime, etc., investigation reports have been released publicly, if any. Given the historical pattern, background, considering the sources and involved parties, the findings of any reports and claims, would and still lack credibility.

Authorities claim that no autopsy was preformed to be made public. In this continuing official smear campaign and coverup, responding law enforcement and media, described Michael Collins Piper to be a "conspiracy theorist" using the 1967 CIA Document 1035-960 memo coined term, designed to discredit dissidents. This makes a case for murder. Demanding the total revenge of justice, against the head, body, tail and entirety, of this unholy Satanic Serpent enemy of humanity.

Without any doubt, this Jewish deep state has the methods, means and agents, to ruin, silence, take to the slaughter and eliminate, any and all true dissidents, accidentally, naturally, officially and unofficially. Then scrub the matter, photoshop or apply the desired spin with its control of law enforcement, reality and the media.

A true Talmudic Terror State, with its own government, enforcers, assassins, agents provocateurs, controlled opposition, COINTELPRO and Operation Mockingbird. All appear to have been fully realized, disguised by the façade of a compassionate constitutional republic. At the top in bold print, the mirage of freedom and inalienable rights are proclaimed with hollow guarantees. Only to be completely taken away in practice, into a deep state black hole within the fine print.

The mere symbiology of this satanic, inhuman and anti Christian "republic's" Talmudic golem five pointed stars, its serpent god "Don't Tread On Me" flag and the all encompassing blinding blood-red warning beacon statue, lacking liberty. Of shemale Queen Esther and her New Babylon Jewish Ritual State of Murder, serve to convey the true reality.

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