Jam 75 GuitarLick 000 vrt

6 months ago

Mark Austin playing guitar solo having fun with looped tracks from jam#75 StudioBG from the live stream playlist

click on merch link

cool shirts like "In a World of treble be the Bass" and "Basslines speak louder than Words" or "Where vibrations become emotions" etc....

an entire line for guitar players, bass players, humor, all kinds of stuff...Tshirts, hoodies, bags, pullovers, tank tops, throw pillows

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humor like "Sorry I'm late, I didn't want to come" or "Was I driving?" or "I'm not getting older, I'm increasing in Value" or "If you can't Laugh at Yourself, Call Me"

#musicalperformance #guitar #guitarist #guitarsolo #lespaulguitar

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