James Hind's Tweet 22 September 2024 at 19:18hrs

5 months ago

"The Pot Calling the Kettle Black: James Hind’s Hypocrisy in Full Display."
James Hind recently made an absurd comment accusing me of "flooding the internet" with posts about Project Night Watch (PNW), claiming that for every post they make, I respond with ten. He goes on to state that my posts are "abusive malicious communications," and ends with the advice: “If Taylor dislikes our social media posts, then don’t read them.”
Let’s take a moment to reflect on the hypocrisy of that statement. Hind’s entire social media presence revolves around creating and spreading lies, misinformation, and character assassination aimed directly at me. He claims to be part of some child protection group, yet his obsessive fixation on me seems to take up a considerable amount of his time. And now, when I respond to his fabrications—setting the record straight and defending myself—he suddenly plays the victim, implying that I'm overreacting or attacking him.
If Hind Doesn't Like My Rebuttals, Why Read Them?
Hind’s logic is hilariously flawed. He suggests that if I don't like what he says about me, I should simply not read it. Fair enough. But let’s flip that logic on him: if he dislikes my rebuttals, corrections, or posts defending myself, why doesn’t he follow his own advice and simply not read them?
It’s ironic, to say the least, that someone who constantly posts about me seems to be so thin-skinned when it comes to any response. My posts aren't baseless attacks; they are rebuttals—counterarguments meant to debunk his misinformation and lies. Hind can dish it out, but he clearly can’t take it.
The Reality Behind the Numbers.
Let’s also address his exaggerated claim that for every post PNW makes, I respond with ten. This is simply untrue. My responses are measured and focused on correcting the record. If Hind or PNW makes a false claim about me, I have every right to respond, especially when the stakes involve my reputation and, more importantly, truth. Hind’s claim of being overwhelmed by my responses is a weak deflection to avoid the core issue—he spreads lies, and he doesn’t like being called out for it.
Malicious Communications or Legitimate Defence?
Hind accuses me of “abusive malicious communications.” Let’s clarify what my posts actually are: they are fact-based rebuttals and responses to the false and defamatory statements he and PNW regularly put out. If someone is making untrue claims about your life, character, and actions, isn’t it entirely reasonable to respond? I do not, and have never, engaged in baseless attacks. Instead, I correct the false narratives being perpetuated.
Hind’s attempt to label my responses as “malicious” is yet another deflection tactic to discredit me without addressing the facts. And here’s the kicker—if he really believed in his own words, and that my posts were nothing but hot air, why does he feel the need to continually respond? Again, he should take his own advice: if you don’t like what I’m saying, James, don’t read it.
The Root Issue: Control and Obsession.
James Hind’s fixation on me has always been about control—he wants to control the narrative, control what’s said about him, and control how others see me. The moment someone challenges his version of events, he lashes out. This isn't about child protection, PNW, or anything noble. It’s about his personal vendetta and his need to project his own issues onto me.
I respond to Hind because the truth matters. If he didn’t continually post lies and distortions, I wouldn’t need to defend myself. The reality is simple: I will always stand up against falsehoods and misinformation, regardless of how many times Hind tries to misrepresent me.
Final Thoughts.
In conclusion, James Hind’s comment is nothing but a classic case of hypocrisy. He’s free to post whatever nonsense he likes, but when I respond with facts and rebuttals, he suddenly plays the victim. If he doesn’t like what I have to say, then, as he so eloquently advised, he should simply stop reading my posts.

SOURCED FROM - https://mattsmemos5.wordpress.com/2024/09/22/the-pot-calling-the-kettle-black-james-hinds-hypocrisy-in-full-display/

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