5 Dolphn Children Kidnapped to Sale at Dolphinarium world wide

3 months ago

Written by Megumi Matsuda:
Taiji Japan, September 21. 2024:
It was a little cloudy and the height of the waves was 2.0m then 2.5m. All 10 banger boats went hunting, and FORMATION was confirmed at 7 am about 1 and 1/2 hours later.
A large pod of Bottlenose dolphins larger than the first Kunito’s guess was being driven. No way to know the exact number, but it was far over 100. There were at least 3 little ones, and again including one with white paint on its back.
Hunters claim they are driving dolphins into the Cove while reducing their numbers, but in the case of Bottlenose dolphins, whose are sold alive to aquariums and marine parks for high prices, they are driving more dolphins into the Cove - for more options.
During the captive selection process, hunters divided them into 5 groups of 20-30 dolphins from the pod. In the process, about 10 were probably selected. There were still groups left unselected, but these 10 seemed to be enough options. Finally, 5 captives (probably young females) were placed in slings and taken to the sea-pens in Taiji Harbor. They are held captive until they die, forced to perform, and never see their families again.
All the remaining dolphins were released, driven out to sea by 5 banger boats and several skiffs. My heart aches every time I see the dolphins lost some family members splashing out to sea, once again driven by the hunters.
少しだけ曇っていて波の高さは2.0m 後2.mの朝。全10隻が猟に出て行き、約1時間半後の午前7時にはフォーメーションが確認された。
生け捕り個体の選別作業で、ハンターたちは群れから20-30頭くらいずつのグループを5つめまで選別し、そこまでの過程でおそらく約10頭が選ばれた。まだ未選別のグループも残っていたが、選択肢としてその10頭で充分だったようだ。最終的には、その中から選ばれた5頭 (おそらく若い雌たち) がスリングに入れられ太地港の生け簀へと運ばれた。彼らは死ぬまで拘束され、芸を強いられ、二度と家族に会うことはできない。

Filmed by Kunito Seko

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