Funny Bird Enjoys A Car Ride

6 years ago

As a real funny videos fan, I’ve seen zillions of clips over the years, and I must say some of them really blew me away. But the one we have here goes even further than that! It’s so unbelievable, and you really have to check it out! This clip was taken from the inside of a car by a couple who got pretty surprised to see an adorable white crane bird on their car. But when they start the engine, this unexpected visitor didn’t fly away. No, it stayed on the car hood and joined them for a ride! OMG, is this even possible? Who would have ever thought that a bird would prefer riding on a car than flying?! But, there it is! This funny bird definitely loves this ride more than anything else! You can easily tell how much it enjoys it! If I haven’t seen this with my own eyes, I wouldn’t believe it either!

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