Ursula Haverbeck - Where were the 6 million Jews killed by the Germans? (English language)

5 months ago

(clip from the following)
Ursula Haverbeck introduced by Richard Edmonds: Auschwitz – Media Lies or the Truth at Last
posted: November 7, 2023
This video is reposted today to mark the 95th birthday of the great German patriot Ursula Haverbeck, whom her country's treacherous authorities have repeatedly tried to jail for the 'crime' of publishing her views about 20th century history. Speaking in 2015 just before the 70th anniversary of the Soviet capture of Auschwitz, the late Richard Edmonds (a friend and comrade of Ursula's for many years) introduces Ursula Haverbeck speaking in English at a meeting with Richard, Lady Michèle Renouf and H&D's assistant editor Peter Rushton. Richard and Ursula examine the holes in the orthodox tale of six million Jews having been supposedly murdered in homicidal gas chambers.

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