🚨 Big announcement!

6 months ago

I have written an herbal reference book!


Life Began in a Garden: The book
By: Stacey Mills

This book boasts 60+ herbal profiles, 50+ recipes, and 35+ biblical references throughout. Plus two bonus unfilled profiles to get you started on your herbal journey. A great book for those just starting out to those who have been on their herbal path for sometime. No matter your experience level, this book is packed with herbal knowledge and know how. 

Herbies, I hope you learn from, use and enjoy Life Began in a Garden: The Book! Thank you all for the support! 🌿

“Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it.” Genesis 2:15 NKJV

*No AI was used in writing this book.

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