Sep 4, 2024 ❤️ When you see the Skies turn red, I am coming very soon... Love Letter from Jesus

13 days ago

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When you see the Skies turn red, know that I am coming very soon

September 4, 2024 – Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) The Lord bless you, my precious family. I thank you for your prayers, we are not on the local Satanists’ list of favorite people. Please keep praying for us and especially the conversion of those who have been blinded by Satan. Today I asked the Lord… ‘What is on Your Heart, Jesus?’ And He answered…

(Jesus) “The suffering of those in war torn countries is horrendous. Please Clare, I want you to pray for them. Truly, they have no place to escape from the hell-bent ravages of armies committing genocide. It is truly heart rending and horrendous. Pray for them, My people, there is no suffering comparable to what is being done to these unwanted peoples. One day they are peaceful and working their land, feeding their children, sleeping soundly at night in their own hut, the next day they are either laying dead on the ground, cut to pieces, or walking refugees, homeless with nothing, some having lost children or spouses. You cannot imagine the terror they live under. Pray for comfort, healing, and provision, and pray for peace.”

(Clare) And on this note I want to say that this morning Father had a vision of little African children with buckets of water, hanging from a pole on either side, but they were running desperately for their lives.

(Jesus) “This vision portrayed the reality of what is currently happening. The New World Order is currently expunging all the black people from the Earth. It is part of their planned genocide against certain races on Earth. The news will not report it because the people would be outraged. It has been going on for decades, but now it has been accelerated in keeping with the takeover that is planned to happen. Most nations are subdued and following orders, but there are still too many what they consider undesirables.

“My Heart bleeds for them, My Love, allow yours to bleed as well. They who do not know anything about Me, but have the right heart, will be given special dispensations of grace to give their lives to Me. It would be cruel to deny them this opportunity. They have not heard the Gospel, but there is a longing in their hearts for Me, just as there was a longing in your heart before you were saved. All of you, My People, pray for what is going on behind the scenes, it is truly inhumane.”

(Clare) Here He is talking about the condition of the world, and I said… Oh Lord, when will Daddy say ‘ENOUGH’?

(Jesus) “That question resounds in My heart every day, Beloved. Only He knows when the time is right and proper to call an end to this. I know life is not easy for you and others right now, but for those who truly care, I am drawing graces from each of you who are willing to suffer for humanity.

“When you see the skies turn red, know that I am very soon to come, even on the way. Begin to watch with extra vigilance and have your goodbyes prepared for your loved ones. Yes, I am coming soon, even though you dislike that word, it still is the right word for the times. Many will be shocked and in disbelief, falling dead on the spot.

“Others will make excuses and blame aliens, which, by the way, are being given license to appear all over the world. These events will be more and more documented. This is the time of the great awakening and deception, and the fallen ones have a major role to play. All of you, hold on to the truth, do not fall for this narrative, no matter how convincing it will be.

“Even in this season you can pick out more and more of what type of person will fall for this deception, hook, line, and sinker. They have been prepped and, in their midst will be those whom I have not created, who will aid in the process of convincing them that they are the gods of the universe, not Me. Indeed, a very dark time is coming and is upon this Earth I have created for My loved ones to inhabit. It will be total chaos and confusion for those who do not have Me.

“Be steadfast, My Bride, be steadfast and witness to the truth. Do not allow any clever argument or false miracle to go by without decrying it and proclaiming the truth that Jesus is Lord.”

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