An Introduction to Biblical Inspiration

5 months ago

We can discuss for hours and hours on why the bible is unique among other books. We can look at authorship in how the writers of scripture come from a variety of backgrounds from fisherman and shepherds to kings, prophets, and much more. We can look comparatively on why the bible is unique in its content, in its claims to authority and story of a man who raised from the dead so that others may have eternal life. We could examine its uniqueness in its predictive abilities’ prophecy, many of which have been fulfilled. We could examine its uniqueness in its uses of multiple languages, or its uniqueness in its compilation spanning thousands of years. Or what about the uniqueness in its preservation and transmission among other documents of antiquity and how no other document comes even close in the quality or quantity of manuscripts. We could look at the bible’s uniqueness in its historical impact and cultural transformation.

However, is scripture unique in that it comes from God? That’s the most important question. Those other things can point to it and make us more certain and strengthen our faith, but if it comes from God, than it is the most unique book in the world, and it’s contents uniquely important.

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Rediscover the Bible playlist (Videos to be added as they come out):

0:00 Introduction
3:35 Theopneustos and Inspiration
15:49 Introduction to General and Special Revelation
35:55 Preconditions to Special Revelation
55:52 Different Views on Inspiration
1:04:21 Common Misconceptions on Inspiration

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