CHAOS In Ireland Before Communist/Masonic NWOrder Begins To Make Sense To Non-cUlt People

5 months ago

As the Freemasons follow their sabotage of Western Civilization For the NWO A.i. TakeOver... Indigenous Europeans Begin to See-Through Masonic/Political, Masonic/Mass-Media, Masonic/Police, Masonic/Military Sabotage Of the Old-World-System That Used to Keep The Taxpayers Content.
The Mass-Media is not hushing-up the protests as much anymore out of fear of losing more trust from the indigenous majority.

The Mystery-School secret-societies in control of Western countries need to pay lip-service to the protesting unhappy locals in order to pretend that they have still a voice to influence the traitors running their politics.

This is the truth of the situation, but still the sheeple are still too indoctrinated in voting for a political-system designed to fail and be transitioned over to outright A.i. totalitarian tyranny and genocidal mass-murder by the Luciferians who are tired of pretending to be heart-filled loving individual who instead follow the Satan-race NWO-Agenda to slaughter all the sheep.

That is what is happening... they will disable and cull the sheeple until the sheep take back the birth-rights the Luciferians secretly stole-away through deceptive-piracy.

The same thing is happening in North America, but just look at all the sheep lost in the Luciferian's manufactured La-La-Land of artificial politics requiring pretending to vote either right or left.

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