Maharishikaa | Healing autoimmune disease through the Surrender practice!

4 months ago

Believe in the strength of your body and the Truth underlying it! Maharishikaa guides Maria, who, - after having experimented with many different methods at healing autoimmune disease - found the Maharishikaa Surrender practice and strongly resonates with it. She asks how she should proceed now? Should she abandon all the other healing practices she has learned?
Maharishikaa offers a combination of common sense and spiritual solutions, ranging from diet to the surrender posture.
Pointing out the relationship between surrender and physical health, observed in many who have taken up the surrender practice, Maharishikaa reignites Maria’s hope of finding a cure for those health conditions that traditional medicine seems unable to solve.

#Maharishikaa #ChronicDisease #Surrender

Aaryaa Maharishikaa Preeti Maiyaa, is a revolutionary female mystic who fearlessly dares to demystify spirituality in her unrelenting call to realize Self, and act from Source. Detailed biography:

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