🇺🇸💥🇺🇸. Brunson brothers case explained……no election needed! 🇺🇸💥🇺🇸

15 days ago

*Brunson* case HAS already been turned over - yet SCOTUS is outta power since mil took over - so this is optics only; it will be publicly communicated at the appropriate time.

Buckle up folks, your world is about to be turned upside down...the cabal have ruled this world through compromising greedy, Godless, soulless scumbags in key positions of ALL establishments with pedophilia in exchange for riches, fame, protection and so on. The top of the pyramid was the first to fall, working their way down and now the scumbags who thought their secrets were protected and now feeling extremely worried. The truth is much darker than what many could even begin to imagine.


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