Light of Jesus Christ vs Shadow of Colossus

14 days ago

I was walking in the park like an hour after dark and my heart began to bark like a dog gone narc deshaun dawned take it back then stark about the God i awaken in facts can harken like the red sea will part when he deems my start more than simpsons bart like a prankster, shit im being frank sir or was i being dean? Sure. The memes are pure and that means encore encore olay olay once more for judgement day i nudge men the way God wants me to no grudges gwen but avidessen and say your evil eye goodbye cause eminems bout to die judas kiss kiss kiss he diss ha millstoned so sly my soul is not to buy it was bought at a price caught by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ your just OG sus get it oh Gee sus ah forget it i just do as God pleases because when he meets us id like to hear him say you pleased us unlike the bent knee crust pieces of pedo pizza putz that must get busted and sent down straight where they was lost until found by my sound 4 sound now i am bound to the holy ground of my crowned king and i will be the sling to bring collosus to their needs so God watch this stun sneed feed the sown seed of my own breed rare a flare in the night evil eye stare till we fight closely listen lucy me bite and im setting shit right like an angel in flight word on the wire so tight it can smite a pin head right off your shoulders while the fire still smolders im breaking baphomets boulders into puny pedo pebbles of the sold soul toy soldiers the good goy fruity rebels checked by broad shoulders of God's tale told sirs.

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