The Secret Destiny of the Stuart Kingship of America and How it Relates to Donald Trump

4 months ago

This video and the research paper which it’s based on is a speculative adventure combined with historical fact. The speculation is that Donald Trump may somehow be linked to a secret plan that has been in the works for at least 500 years and possibly going back as far as 2000 years or more. This plan deals with the creation and leadership of a country that would lead the world in freedom of religion, spirituality, personal sovereignty and liberties. The facts presented make the case for this idea. This is based on a variety of documents including bloodlines dating back at least 1000 years and the words of writers over the ages including Manly P. Hall and Plato, the Iroquios Confederation, the writings of occultists and secret societies and the actions of kings and queens of Europs over the last 800 years in combination with the acts of the Catholic Church as well as the writings and ambitions of the Founding Fathers and finally including the motives and words of Donald Trump.

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