New Hat! So any Jew that buys a Cowboy hat must be Racist and Need to be KILLED

5 months ago

New Hat! So any person that buys a Cowboy hat must be Racist and Need to be KILLED by the black community! So says them. But can they explain what cowboys has to do with black people, just like coffee? Or do they hate Jews, because we aren't hunting them to kill them for leaving their houses.

Especially their ANGER and RAGE at me for kissing a black girl when I was 8 years old

And it's perfectly normal for a planet of Psychotic Child Raping Narcisistic sickos to be mad at Jews for things that don't make any sense while teasing them to death until their breathing stops with a Planetary Conspiracy in Secret. Clearly couldn't be about something else. Especially when it starts being done to a 5 year old who is 52 years old and still told over 1 BILLION teases per day from anonymous strangers is somehow NORMAL and done to everyone.

Or anything he does in life for that matter!

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