St Louis Secrets- Plans to Spread Radioactive Waste Throughout St Charles County, Missouri

4 months ago

To skip the history & see the news, go to minute 3:26

You’ve probably already heard about Coldwater Creek (in St Louis) getting contaminated by ☢️nuclear waste⚠️ & causing all kinds of rare cancers & birth defects ☠️

& you might already know that part of St Charles County (Weldon Spring) was also contaminated by ☢️nuclear waste⚠️ & part of that contaminated area was converted into the August A. Busch Memorial Conservation Area because the radiation levels were too high to allow the land to be lived on, but were low enough to be acceptable for recreational use.

However, a 🏡NEW NEIGHBORHOOD 🧑‍🧑‍🧒WAS RECENTLY APPROVED to be built on Hwy DD in St Charles County, partially on the Busch Conservation Area⚠️

Looking back, we know Coldwater Creek area’s contamination spread further when new neighborhoods were being built & the contaminated soil that was once contained in underground water tables was disturbed & used as fill for newly created subdivision lawns.

The News talks about people disputing the development of the new neighborhoods for land value & traffic purposes but doesn’t mention that SPREADING RADIOACTIVE SOIL could possibly be a concern 🤯

ANOTHER NEW NEIGHBORHOOD is planned on Hwy DD from Sommers Rd. to Dardenne Creek (St Charles, Mo). Go to to learn more about the plans, see upcoming meetings, or contact the city council members.


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