Alex Newman on insane WHO power grab

15 days ago

"What they're doing with the World Health Organization is one of the most breathtaking global power grabs we have seen in all of recorded human history. They are at this point transparently seeking the power to turn the WHO into not just like a global ministry of health or a global department of health and human services complete with an FDA, a CDC, HHS, all the different various divisions.

But when you look at how they define healthcare, when you look at how they define health emergencies, whether we're looking at the one health where the health of humans is intimately intertwined with the climate and the grass and the animals and the ocean and all the rest of it, or when you, right, precisely, is one health, it is this integrated holistic view of health as something that encompasses every area of everything, right? And then the other side of this, which is that everything essentially is a public health emergency, as they've said publicly.
I was in Egypt and on the Arabian Peninsula at the last two climate summits where the head of the World Health Organization the CCP Operative dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus braces former politburo member of a mass murdering ethno-marxist terrorist organization called the Tigray People's Liberation Front when he openly said that Climate change is a public health emergency. They've also said that racism is a public health emergency and gun violence is a public health emergency.

So If all of those things are public health emergencies, and they have told us that they are, every area of your life would then fall under the purview of this entity if it was able to usurp this power that it is seeking. They did take one big leap forward, no pun intended, with the adoption of some of the amendments to the international health regulations. And Tedros has actually made perfectly clear that they intend to slam through this international pandemic treaty, accord, agreement. They've got different names. I think for technical legal reasons. They know they're not going to get it through the US Senate, but it is a treaty. And they promise they're going to do that either by the end of this year or at the very latest May of 2025. So they have not given up. They will not give up unless and until humanity says no."

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