Jimmy Dore: They were lying to us about everything when it came to COVID

22 days ago

"And that's when I found out that they were lying to us about everything when it came to COVID. They were lying about the origin of the virus, who funded the virus. They were lying about masks, they were lying about contraction, they were lying about transmission, they were lying about herd immunity, they were lying about natural immunity. There wasn't a thing that they didn't lie about. And then I figured, then I found out that the medical journals, even the British medical journal, these are all, they're advertised through big pharma. They have a stranglehold on those things. And so it's amazing to watch the corruption that's inside big medicine. And that's why people don't trust the CDC anymore. I saw a stat the other day that 50% of the country doesn't even trust. And so, and they, by the way, they shouldn't."

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