Piecing Together Maui's Smart City Plans! Identifying Smart City Projects By Terms Related

3 months ago

Piecing Together Maui's Smart City Plans! Identifying Smart City Projects/Techno Fascist NWO Terms
By Buzz Words Tied to Globalist Narrative
Identifying Smart City Projects By Buzz Words Tied to Globalist Narrative
The WEF - UN - Globalist Collective and the VC Deep State Establishment Know Damn Well How Much Freedom Lovers Hate Their Techno-Fascit Dystopian 15 Minute Smart Cites. For that very reason it is quite common that when discussing Smart Cities in Public, they will try to hide the Fact that they are talking about them.
Yet they will still use the standard UN, Agenda 2030, WEF Jargon. This can often help you Identify if the project they are discussing is indeed a 15 Minute/Smart City. There are not that many that you need to know, so it shouldn't be that hard to figure out if they are referring to them.
13,924 views Sep 5, 2024
Brush Junkie
In this Premiere we show you how to identify Smart City plans in your area, using keywords and phrases that keep showing up in these plans.
Some of these words include:
"Strategic Plans for Transit Oriented Development (TOD),
"General Plans" (2030/2045), local "Community Development Plans",
"TOD Corridor",
"Community Corridor",
"Cultural Corridor",
"Commercial Corridor",
"Complete Streets"
,"Complete Neighborhoods",
"Economic Development",
"Smart Growth" principles,
"Smart Infrastructure" projects,
"Smart Cities",
"15 Minute Cities",
"Strong Cities",
"Multi-modal" Transport plans, "Mixed-Use" zoning,
"Walking Paths", "Bike lanes"
"Greenway", and
"Public Private Partnerships" (Corporatism/Fascism). Other key terms that appear often in these plans (with translations) are; "Sustainable Development",
"Diversity/Equity/Inclusive" (DEI), "Resilience",
"Innovation/Innovative" (AI), "Transparency/Accountability" (track, trace, and report), "Impact", "4IR" or "4th Industrial Revolution" (4th Reich), "Low-Carbon/Carbon Neutral", "Environmental Social Governance/Electronic Social Governance" (ESG), "Digital ID/Digital Twin",
Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), "Human Capital Index/Social Credit Score",
"Internet of Things" (IoT),
"Internet of Bio-Nano Things" (IoBNT), "Wireless Body Area Networks" (WBAN), "Mesh Network", "6G", "Fast Track", "Biometric", "NEST", etc.
We also give an example of how a Smart City, or EcoBarrio, was defeated in Perez Zeledon Costa Rica, thanks in part to the efforts of Dustin Bryce, blogger for "Interest of Justice", who served legal papers to them before the vote was to be held that caused them to cancel the vote, defeating their Smart City! So, if you find a similar plan near you, make sure to spread awareness for people to show up at these meetings and give their testimonies against it. Special thanks to all of our viewers who sent information that helped us put pieces of the puzzle together! Mahalo nui for your support! Sound the Alarm book available now! https://themauibook.com/
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