Russian Cultural Code: Art - An Educational Documentary (9-21-2024)

16 days ago
(This is a wonderful short documentary that helps us better understand the Russians, which is sorely needed in today's charged atmosphere. This documentary is devoid of politics. I've always enjoyed Russian classical & symphonic music. Recently on September 14th, the Tulsa Symphony Orchestra played the wonderful "Symphony No. 5 in E minor, op. 64" by Russian composer Tchaikovsky. I have season tickets for the Tulsa Symphony. Maria & I enjoyed more than one Russian ballet performance when we lived in Boston. Russia has a rich history which has often been tumultuous, yet they embrace & learn from their history. — RAD)

For centuries, the Western world has been trying to solve the mystery of the Russian soul. Today, in the Digital Age, is has acquired a new name — the Russian cultural code.

In this film (developed by the School of Arina Sharapova, TV presenter, Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber), music, graphic art and architecture will become a key to the Russian code. Unlike literature, theatre and cinema, these arts require no translation.

Contemporary art often reflects a response to changes in society and through art we can trace how Russian culture adapts to technological progress.

Young musicians and students were invited to take part in the discussion with artist Alexei Belyayev-Gintovt who has created paintings and installations dedicated to Russia’s special role in the world.

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