The COVID Vaccine Is Killing Our Children

29 days ago

09/20/2024 The HighWire: The COVID vaccine is dangerous for children, far more dangerous than the virus itself, yet the CDC is now recommending two or three shots before child's even six months old. Our government is knowingly poisoning and destroying the lives of our children when the evidence is right in front of them. And now what do we do about it?
#CovidVaccine #CDC #VaccineMandate #VaccineInjury
09/20/2024 The HighWire: 新冠疫苗对儿童非常危险,远比病毒本身危险得多。然而,疾控中心现在却建议孩子在六个月大之前接种两到三剂疫苗。我们的政府故意毒害并摧毁我们孩子的生命,而证据就在眼前。现在我们该怎么办?
#新冠疫苗 #疾控中心 #强制疫苗 #疫苗伤害

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