What were two important religious policies of Al-Mahdi | المہدی کی دو اہم مذہبی پالیسیاں کیا تھیں؟

4 months ago

@islamichistory813 #IslamicHistory #ReligiousPolicies #Al-Mahdi

What were two important religious policies of Al-Mahdi

Dekhti Aankhooon aur sountay kaanoon ko Asslamoalaikum, sisters, brothers friends and elders,In this islamic informative video, we are describing the significant religious policies implemented by Al-Mansur, a prominent figure in Islamic history. We will explore how his approach to governance influenced the religious landscape of his time, focusing on two key policies that shaped the relationship between the state and religion. watch complete video as we are describing the implications of these policies on society and their lasting impact on future generations.

Al-Mahdi had two important religious policies: the persecution of the zanadiqa, or dualists, and the declaration of orthodoxy. Al-Mahdi focused on the persecution of the zanadiqa in order to improve his standing among the purist Shi'i, who wanted a harder line on heresies, and found the spread of syncretic Muslim-polytheist sects to be particularly virulent. Al-Mahdi declared that the caliph had the ability, and indeed the responsibility, to define the orthodox theology of Muslims to protect the umma against heresy.[citation needed] Al-Mahdi made great use of this broad, new power, and it would become important during the 'mihna' crisis of al-Ma'mun's reign.

Though Mahdi fulfilled most of his national and external goals during his reign, he was not as thrifty as his predecessor and father, al-Mansur had been. Al-Mahdi was very interested in consulting with his wife, al-Khaizuran in the all important daily affairs of the government. Her commands and prohibitions in the palace were equal to her husband's and many times she applied them outside the palace as well. Al-Mahdi did not oppose her, and he gave her a relatively free hand from the Bayt al-mal (treasury). Finally, al-Khayzuran held her own court in the harem and in her quarters where she met petitioners, both men and women, who asked her for favors or to intercede on their behalf with her husband, the caliph. These petitioners included court officials, military officers, nobles, and merchants:

"She was dominant during Mahdi's time, people used to come and go through her door.. . She gave ordaining and forbidding, interceded and hindered, rejections and confirmations at her own will."
Al-Mahdi vacationed for long periods of time at al-Rusafa, officially, allowed his wife, Khaizuran to run certain matters pertaining to the state, and in general, liked to have a good time. Usually he went on such trips a lot or was away from the capital during the campaign, so he allowed her to act on his behalf and officials and officers took their orders from her. Former caliphs who embarked on the hajj pilgrimage to Mecca had made the long voyage with canteens full of muddy water and satchels of dates. Mahdi saw no reason for such extreme self-restraints, instead, he traveled like royalty, and even brought ice lugged all the way from the mountains of northern Persia so that his drinks could be cold.

One day, al-Mahdi was out hunting deer. Shortly after embarking, Mahdi and his aide became separated from the rest of his entourage. Soon the two became exhausted and hungry and luckily found a tent belonging to a poor Bedouin and asked him if he had anything to eat. The man said yes and provided the two with bread, butter, and oil. Mahdi asked for wine, and the Bedouin gave him some. Mahdi asked the Bedouin if he knew who he was and the Bedouin, uninterested, said no he did not. Few people who did not live on the royal grounds would have known the caliph by sight. Mahdi told the Bedouin that he was a servant of the caliph. The Bedouin, impressed, said that is a good job. After another cup of wine, Mahdi asked again if the Bedouin knew who he was. The man replied that Mahdi already told him. Mahdi said no, I was lying, I am one of the top generals in the caliph's army. After another cup of wine, the caliph pronounced that in reality, he was in fact the caliph himself! The Bedouin refused to serve Mahdi any more wine and exclaimed if he did so, next Mahdi would proclaim himself the messenger of God!

Tomorow we will be described Biography of Warrior Abd al-Malik ibn Salih. So permission us upto tomorow. Allah Hafiz

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