have held off on sharing this video montage for almost two years now. I will refrain no longer.

5 months ago

I have held off on sharing this video montage for almost two years now. I will refrain no longer. Too many are still being deceived by this opportunistic false prophetess and others.

This video shows SEVEN different clips from the Julie Green podcast in 2022 where she “prophesied” that President Trump would be reinstated to the office of President of the United States before the end of that year - 2022. When Julie Green was called out on these false prophecies, she blamed others for interfering and stopping it from happening. Never mind that she proclaimed “thus says the LORD” regarding each of those prophecies when she spoke them. Never mind that almighty ELOHIM CANNOT LIE. Never mind that what the LORD says will happen actually HAPPENS.
Julie Green is an opportunistic false prophetess. I’ve been told by a reliable inside source at the Reawaken America tour that Julie Green receives $20k for every Reawaken America event that she speaks at.

Please warn others.

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