Coastal Air space from Eastern Canada to Florida locked down / Wormwood-planet x /

5 months ago

Brandon cory Nagley

July 13, 2023

Coastal Air space from Eastern Canada down to Florida possibly locked down?Biblical Wormwood-planet x-Earths jetstream is going INSANE-Jet stream forms around southern hemisphere triangle as planet x-Wormwood comes up from the south ecliptic plane/REAL TALK with me/READ BELOW. Today is now 7/13/23, I show the signs in the heavens that Jesus christ (known as yeshua in Hebrew, and called by many different names) warned to be seen before his second coming. Those signs specifically from, and or relating to the (planet x/ nemesis/ nibiru/ Biblical wormwood of Revelation 8/ the fiery red dragon (being planet x of Revelation 12) what NASA calls the planet 9 system evidence, whether signs In the heavens from the planet x system or signs on earth at times also...For this video breaking news came out of airspace possibly was or is locked down stretching from eastern Canada down to Florida as was reported by halturnerradioshow website. Many are speculating if true or not and for what so I'm reporting just in case something big is occurring especially since we have Russian Nuke submarines watching us on the eastern United states along with china watching in nuke subs off the western USA coast not including both Russian+chinese united nations troops soon to take over this country as they'll be a power force behind the antichrist who will take global power. This video is also real talk with me to you all. More meteor debri came in hours ago over around india as clusters are coming from not only planet xs debri tail but also from another planet x system body as well NASA is tracking 3-4 other solar systems surrounding and invading earths solar system with their own debri tails. Soon millions big and small will come earths way and hit globally. Also you'll see what looks like a planet x system body that went down fast over trees around the Philippines/Indonesia regions credited the woman who caught it BELOW where my credited videos are. You'll see what I call an atmospheric tail blood red in color from a possible planet x system body passing over earth near medina saudi Arabia. You'll see how nuts the planets jetstream is acting creating a triangle symbol in the southern pole hemisphere as planet x earths twin Sun is coming UP from the south ecliptic plane below earth. Now earths jet streams are going insane unlike anything mankind has seen or ever will again as it'll worsen from here on out ten fold. Plus more.

Christ is soon to rapture/ catch up and away Christians into heaven to be protected from the 7 year tribulation hour ( 7 years of Gods wrath/judgement on earth) and all hell is soon to be released on earth. Many can reject or accept truth that's others free will. Newcomers, Jesus Christ is the only way to God and heaven ( John 14;6) and the only way to escape the judgement coming( REVELATION 3:10/ REVELATION 12:5/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4/ 1 CORINTHIANS 15/ john 14:3- bible references.) I hope if you have not accepted Jesus (yeshua) as Lord that you'll read BELOW my video where my comments section is in my pinned comments above all other comments. Thanks for watching.

Credited videos here-

Wolontemborot9176/ possible red planet x system body- • SORE TADI BULAN W...

Nidaali1711/ red atmospheric cloud tail in medina saudi arabia from a possible planet x system body passing earth- • The sky was Red i...

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