Rahan. Episode 111. By Roger Lecureux. The three horned Demon. A Puke (TM) Comic.

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16 days ago


Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


Episode One Hundred and Eleven.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

The three horned Demon.

The son of Crao was going to leave this clan among which he had lived for some time.

No, Rahan! Do not go that way!
That is the territory of the "Three-Horned-Demon"!
No one has ever crossed it!
Rahan still obeys his knife!

Farewell brothers!
And Rahan, as always, went towards his destiny.

He walked all day. Vultures sometimes soared high in the clear sky.
The "Hook-Beaks" Hunt. Like Rahan will have to do at daybreak!

The wind brought him the echo of a distant rumbling, like that of a gigantic monster.
The "Three-Horned-Demon" no doubt!

Page Two.

As the night passed, this rumbling grew louder and became even more disturbing.
What new danger have you led Rahan into?

Dawn found the son of Crao on the lookout. As a hare bounded over the crest of a slope.
Rahan will settle for a "Long-ears"!

Thrown with astonishing skill, the ivory knife stopped the beast in its tracks.

At the very moment when an arrow, fired from the other side of the embankment, also hit him.
Oh! Rahan will have to share this game!

Two hunters appeared.
“The long Ears” belongs to us!
Rahan thinks he hit him first! But he is ready to share!

There is no sharing with those who violate our hunting territory!
Rahan only had time to dive.

Page Three.

But he did not leave it to the men to fire a new arrow!
Rahan hates fighting with "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!

But you did not give him a choice!

The second hunter had not recovered before he suffered the same fate as his companion!

Rahan does not hold it against you too much, because you are probably just as hungry as he is!
He will share the "Long-ears" with you when.

A large vulture had just swooped down towards the ridge.

And carried away the hare!
The Knife!
After a moment of disconcertment, the son of Crao reacted.

Page Four.

Grabbing one of the men's bow, he let fly an arrow.
But the bird of prey was already too high, too far away.

Rahan will not give up his knife to you, “Crooked beak”!
Thinking only of his precious weapon, he launched himself into the vines.
Following the vulture.

Which he glimpsed through the gaps in the foliage.

The incessant rumbling was becoming deafening.
And Suddenly!
The demon with three horns!

Three rocks bristled on the edge of this fantastic cataract.
A mist of water floated above the whirlpools which.

They clawed into the river, and agitated it over hundreds and hundreds of meters.
Petrified by this grandiose spectacle.

Page Five.

The son of Crao saw the vulture flying over the cataract, diving towards a cliff on the other side of the tumultuous river.

And it disappeared into a crevice that must have been its domain.

Rahan will never find his knife again!
He will never be able to cross to the other side!
Crossing this raging river was indeed impossible.
The enormous stumps that were sometimes thrown there were swallowed up by the eddies.

And if Rahan built a raft, he would disappear the same way!
The idea came to him to follow this river until the moment when it became calmer and could be crossed by swimming.

But he pushed it away.
Rahan would waste too much time! And the "Hooked Beak" could run away without Rahan knowing where. So there is only one solution. The three horns!

Soon After.
Here he is! The thief of the "Long-ears" must die!
The son of Crao was climbing towards the edge of the cataract.

Page Six.

He soon dominated this one.
When Rahan is on the first "Horn" he will not be able to get his vine back!
He will need another one!

It was easy for him to find two strong and flexible vines. He made a lasso with one. And.

Rahan has succeeded! When he is on the first "Horn" he will pass on to the second. Then on to the third!

But a moment later.
Death to the thief of "Long-ears"!

Rahan did not hear these words, covered by the crash of the waterfall.
But he felt the arrows brush against him!

As he pulled himself up onto the slippery rock, the hunters fired new shots.
Rahan will not let them follow him!

He unhooked the lasso, preventing himself any return!
He must now succeed. Or Die!
Page Seven.

The thief with the "Hair of Fire" has lost his mind!
Rahan had just thrown his second lasso towards the second "Horn" which stood right in the middle of the cataract.

A single throw was enough!
Stretched between the two rocks, the vine would allow him to take the next step!

Rahan will succeed! He must! He must!
The mountain of water roared beneath him. A few arrows missed him again.

Our arrows do not reach him!
Perhaps he is sent by the gods? Only an envoy of the gods can challenge the "Demon-with-three-horns" like this!

The son of Crao was now on the second "Horn." But he had to get his lasso back to move on to the third.

If Rahan wants to get his knife back, he must succeed!
Jerking the vine, he tried to free the noose.

Page Eight.

He succeeded but.
Suddenly unbalanced, he slipped on the foam, was caught by the surging water.

Clinging to the vine, he was now tossed about by the torrent of water, on which he bounced like a reed!
The. The rock. Under Rahan!

He let himself slide gently towards the ledge.
He was now in the heart of an inferno of water.
If Rahan fails to catch the third "Horn."
It is the "Territory of Shadows" that awaits him!

At the slightest misstep on this slippery rock, he would be lost!
He nevertheless managed to get the lasso.

To get himself back to the third "Horn," that he could barely see, seemed almost impossible.
And it was only after many attempts.

That the loop finally encircled the rock!

Page Nine.

He still had to climb to the top of this liquid wall! It was terrifying.

The torrent of water, enormous, threw him back, sucked him in, took his breath away.
If the vine gave way, it would have been over!

Argh! He is not an envoy of the gods. He is a god himself!

Rahan resurfaced from the abyss, and climbed onto the third "Horn."
The last "Horn"!

Reaching the other side of the river was now just a matter of calm and caution. Rahan had both.

It was only when he felt solid ground beneath his feet that his cry of victory thundered.

The hunters did not hear him. But they saw the "Thief of the Long ears" disappear towards the cliff.
He defeated the "Three-Horned Demon"!

Of course, Horka. Since he is a god!

Page Ten.

Rahan was already climbing the cliff, from a crevice of which two vultures were fleeing.
Why are you afraid "Hook-beaks"!

Rahan only wants his knife!
A moment later he was hoisting himself up to the raptors' area.
And there.

In the darkness near the carcass of the “long-ear” gleamed the ivory knife.
His Knife! His Knife!

Well! We can say that you make Rahan do things!
With these simple words he sheathed the weapon in its lizard sheath.

Then he looked out at the tantalizing landscape beneath him.
At that moment, although he was unaware of pride, the son of Crao felt proud.
Proud to have been the first hunter to triumph over the "Three-Horned Demon."
And perhaps the first man to cross this river!

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