National Intercessory Prayer - Witches Real or Fantasy?

17 days ago

September 15, 2024

A lot of Christians often wonder if witchcraft is real or fantasy? People practicing witchcraft call themselves “Wiccan”. Witchcraft goes back for millenniums and it was strongly condemned by God. Exodus 22:18

King Saul was in a dire situation, and instead of seeking God and asking Him for help, he sought out a witch. 1 Samuel 28:5-11
Rebellion is a sin and equated the same as witchcraft. 1 Samuel 15:22-23

King Manasseh was deep into witchcraft. 2 Chronicles 33:6
Simon of Samaria was a sorcerer (witch). Acts 8:9-11
The Bible verifies that witchcraft is real and that a person engaging in such a practice is using power from Satan.

Modern witchcraft dates back to 1954 when British civil servant Gerald Gardner (1884-1964), together with Doreen Valiente (1922-1999), built Wicca's liturgical tradition of beliefs, principles, and practices, and disseminated them through published books as well as secret written and oral teachings passed along to initiates.

There are eight witchcraft organizations registered with the IRS as churches:

1. Aquarian Tabernacle Church
2. Bricket Wood coven
3. Children of Artemis
4. Church and School of Wicca
5. Circle Sanctuary
6. Coven Celeste
7. Covenant of the Goddess
8. New Forest coven

According to Newsweek there are 1.5 million people practicing the Wicca religion.

Witchcraft and pagan religious practices increased in the U.S. over the past few decades, with millennials turning to alternatives ranging from astrology and tarot cards and away from Christianity. The number of witches and Americans practicing Wicca religious rituals increased dramatically since the 1990s.

A Trinity College study conducted in 1990 estimated only about 8,000 Wiccans in the U.S., but the increase has been led by a rejection of mainstream Christianity among young Americans as well as a rise in occultism.

A much-respected Christian leader passed this warning to me before the first presidential debate. There is a global concerted effort by those involved in witchcraft to put curses against Trump during the debate. Here is what Mario Murillo wrote:

“The goal of the curses and spells is to cause Trump to look Ridiculous, reactionary, confused, unlikeable, and unpresidential in the debate. They are doing spells to make the viewing public be mesmerized by Kamala, and to be drawn to her, while negatively changing their opinion about DJT. This must be blocked starting now and throughout the debate. Boomerang it back on the evil ones, so that Harris displays everything that they are tryingt o cast on DJT.”


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