Live Chat with Paul; -207- p1 of 2 -Bara on Calvine UAP is wrong + SpaceX Fuel + Paul Bennewit UFOs

Streamed on:

#UAP #UAPS #alien #encounters

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (1b) Coming Up! Bara on Calvine UAP analysis theory is wrong + SpaceX Fuel + Paul Bennewit UFOs
wheres all the vids and photos he took?
[00:02:00] (1c) dot dot dot - Paul checks the streams and bits
[00:02:15] (1d) 45min late start! while eating a hot sandwich. Big issue with software for streams but Paul fixes enough to kick of the show!
[00:03:00] (1d) Eye Operation post op news update! 1 week eye not perfect vision
for laptop work but farsight and double light to left eye now ideal for night
vision espc when full moon! Paul can see all the stars like his color night vision
dual lens now almost! LOL
[00:04:00] (1e) Pauls taking Prednisone to dull down autoimmune but it can mess
with brain and cause dizziness and heart racing randomly and mode swings.. so
Paul is going to be MOODY TODAY! WATCH OUT heh!
[00:09:14] (1f) Eye Update cont.
[00:12:59] (1g) Paul starts the UFO show to find first article has copyright BS
for YT and podcasts so Bitches about UFO people arent transparent and wanting
to share and proven Deborah Hatswell is about the money like most in field!
[00:14:12] (2) Main Topic Begins - Zondo's military record says he was just a Tea Boy
admin like Nick Pope WTH!!! no active duty? no word from LUE on this new information
whats he going to day it was secret army?
[00:24:25\ (3) Some Funnies about additive Phones
[00:27:00] (4) Inspiring Words from Steve Jobs about Life vs Money
sadly Paul forgot to pause 4secs repeat got a stupid copyright claim for BG Music!
which sucked and was annoying on it
[00:34:00] (5) Paul adds to it, talking about Power of Cash and then tries working out
how rich each Adult American could be if elite gave it all away. Turns out 100B gets
all 1000 each and 100T would buy all a 4 bedroom normal house
[00:48:00] (6) Mike Bara is wrong on optics of the diamond Calvine UAP in UK
[00:51:00] (6b) Paul points out the obvious errors and matches the Calvine to
that sighting by Lovelace in Ben Hansens Ep1 of UFO witness (2 back to back TR3b's)
[01:10:00] (7) Paul runs into problems finding the images thought and waste most
of the time searching about web and twitter/X
[01:53:00] (8) Paul runs into win 10 lock up and starts closing things to restart and fix
When UPS power cuts off and ends the show anyhow.. so we resume it next weekend
and hope Paul gets soft and hardware fixed in week (Update! UPS connection issue
might be fixed now and the Chat soft bug fixed!)
[02:02:00] (9) After frustratingly trying to solve Calvine Nonsense the PC shut off instantly
Resume next week!

UPS failed today and shut off power to the live computers!!!!
also problems with chat soft updates and weird PC lock ups
all problems were unrelated!

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps..

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our website is listed there

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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