The Sixth Seal events according to Disclosure “Revelation” 6: 12-17

2 months ago

“ The Sixth Seal events according to Disclosure “Revelation” 6: 12-17

👀☄️The Christians (and most non-satanists) are going to be separated from satan and the satanists and evacuated from this world in the realm of darkness. But just like the satanist-jews tried to keep our Savior in the tomb permanently by placing seven material seals on the rolling stone door, satan also tried to keep Christians permanently under his authority by having placed seven spiritual seals on them.

The seals of satan are individual unclean things designed to prevent them from coming into the Light, because the Christians, in their deepest essence, have no regard for satan, so their preference is that they would want to return to the Light if they could. This essence is the claim that our Savior posted on the cross, which symbolizes Christians, that they are His, not satan’s. This post is called the Living Scroll.
The seven seals of satan close that Living Scroll shut so they cannot read it.

The sixth seal of the seven is the “id,” the evil fiery soul component satan made that manages the flesh of every carnal temporary body satan makes, into which he throws Christians’ souls. It drives all carnal urges, such as appetite, thirst, and reproduction, and it listens to demonic suggestions. It misleads everybody in a carnal way since it speaks its needs and desires to the person in the first person.
Daniel was told of a 62-week anointing with our Savior in the throne room of all His number, although they are not yet inside Him. And when this (time) period ends, those who have not yet come into Him have it removed by then. This anointing permits those having it to recycle (return to life biologically by being born into new babies). So when this 62-week anointing ends for them, they will not recycle anymore, and if they were to die physically, they would remain captive in the underworld.

This is satan’s wish for Christians who come to realize who satan is and reject him and his satanists, not to be obligated to recycle those who don’t worship him. This removal of our Savior’s anointing from those still not within Him is called the pruning, and it constitutes spiritual death since He is the true Life. And this death is the one He paid the Ransom Himself, on the cross. So satan, who knows he is supposed to give up Christians and non-satanists to our Savior Who paid for their ransom from death, seeing he cannot avoid this event, made this into a “temple lottery,” apportioning to himself those outside our Savior, and telling Him YOU keep those 144,000 that are Yours. Those satan takes he takes to “strengthen the demon” (Azazel).

So the 144,000 within our Savior stay with the Anointing, and that fiery “id” soul of their carnal body gets removed, which ordinarily would result in the death of the fleshly body, but these have their angel-twin, Who is Life since those angels are emanations of the Son.
For these, having the vision source from their angels will make the lucifer star as black as mohair sackcloth since it has no true light. And the lack of an unclean “id” fiery carnal-soul in these will make these be pure ones, just as our Savior was, Who as a baby booted the same thing out the dirt-body He wore. This explains how these will be able to SHINE (glow) the true Light, which demons cannot see.

But the Christians and non-satanists (and satanists), who are not within Him, lose the anointing, the spiritual Life, and not only keep the “id”, they get claimed by satan with a cattle-brand he intends to display spiritually in their foreheads. This cattle brand of the feral beast is called “the mark of the beast” in the KJV”

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